Source code for vespa.fpp

from __future__ import print_function, division

import os, os.path, re
import logging
from six import string_types
    import cPickle as pickle
except ImportError:
    import pickle

    from configobj import ConfigObj
    import numpy as np
    import pandas as pd
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    from matplotlib import cm
except ImportError:
    ConfigObj, np, plt, cm = (None, None, None, None)

from .populations import PopulationSet, DEFAULT_MODELS, ArtificialPopulation
from .transitsignal import TransitSignal, MCMCError

from .stars.contrastcurve import ContrastCurveFromFile
from .stars.contrastcurve import VelocityContrastCurve

from .plotutils import setfig
from .hashutils import hashcombine

    from isochrones import StarModel, BinaryStarModel, TripleStarModel
except ImportError:
    StarModel = None
# from .stars.populations import DARTMOUTH

    from tables.exceptions import HDF5ExtError
except ImportError:
    HDF5ExtError = None

[docs]class FPPCalculation(object): """ An object to organize an FPP calculation. May be created in one of three ways: * Manually building a :class:`TransitSignal` and a :class:`PopulationSet` and then calling the constructor, * Loading from a folder in which the correct data files have been saved, using :func:`FPPCalculation.load`, or * Reading from a config file, using :func:`FPPCalculation.from_ini` :param trsig: :class:`TransitSignal` object representing the signal being modeled. :param popset: :class:`PopulationSet` object representing the set of models being considered as an explanation for the signal. :param folder: (optional) Folder where likelihood cache, results file, plots, etc. are written by default. """ def __init__(self, trsig, popset, folder='.'): self.trsig = trsig = self.popset = popset self.folder = folder if not os.path.exists(self.folder): os.makedirs(self.folder) if not self.trsig.hasMCMC: logging.warning('TransitSignal trapezoid shape has not been fit with MCMC.') else: if not self.trsig.fit_converged: raise MCMCError('TransitSignal trapezoid fit not converged ({}).'.format( lhoodcachefile = os.path.join(self.folder,'lhoodcache.dat') self.lhoodcachefile = lhoodcachefile for pop in self.popset.poplist: pop.lhoodcachefile = lhoodcachefile
[docs] @classmethod def from_ini(cls, folder, ini_file='fpp.ini', ichrone='mist', recalc=False, refit_trap=False, **kwargs): """ To enable simple usage, initializes a FPPCalculation from a .ini file By default, a file called ``fpp.ini`` will be looked for in the current folder. Also present must be a ``star.ini`` file that contains the observed properties of the target star. ``fpp.ini`` must be of the following form:: name = k2oi ra = 11:30:14.510 dec = +07:35:18.21 period = 32.988 #days rprs = 0.0534 #Rp/Rstar photfile = lc_k2oi.csv [constraints] maxrad = 10 #exclusion radius [arcsec] secthresh = 0.001 #maximum allowed secondary signal depth #This variable defines contrast curves #ccfiles =, Photfile must be a text file with columns ``(days_from_midtransit, flux, flux_err)``. Both whitespace- and comma-delimited will be tried, using ``np.loadtxt``. Photfile need not be there if there is a pickled :class:`TransitSignal` saved in the same directory as ``ini_file``, named ``trsig.pkl`` (or another name as defined by ``trsig`` keyword in ``.ini`` file). ``star.ini`` should look something like the following:: B = 15.005, 0.06 V = 13.496, 0.05 g = 14.223, 0.05 r = 12.858, 0.04 i = 11.661, 0.08 J = 9.763, 0.03 H = 9.135, 0.03 K = 8.899, 0.02 W1 = 8.769, 0.023 W2 = 8.668, 0.02 W3 = 8.552, 0.025 Kepler = 12.473 #Teff = 3503, 80 #feh = 0.09, 0.09 #logg = 4.89, 0.1 Any star properties can be defined; if errors are included then they will be used in the :class:`isochrones.StarModel` MCMC fit. Spectroscopic parameters (``Teff, feh, logg``) are optional. If included, then they will also be included in :class:`isochrones.StarModel` fit. A magnitude for the band in which the transit signal is observed (e.g., ``Kepler``) is required, though need not have associated uncertainty. :param folder: Folder to find configuration files. :param ini_file: Input configuration file. :param star_ini_file: Input config file for :class:`isochrones.StarModel` fits. :param recalc: Whether to re-calculate :class:`PopulationSet`, if a ``popset.h5`` file is already present :param **kwargs: Keyword arguments passed to :class:`PopulationSet`. Creates: * ``trsig.pkl``: the pickled :class:`vespa.TransitSignal` object. * ``starfield.h5``: the TRILEGAL field star simulation * ``starmodel.h5``: the :class:`isochrones.StarModel` fit * ``popset.h5``: the :class:`vespa.PopulationSet` object representing the model population simulations. Raises ------ RuntimeError : If single, double, and triple starmodels are not computed, then raises with admonition to run `starfit --all`. AttributeError : If `trsig.pkl` not present in folder, and `photfile` is not defined in config file. """ # Check if all starmodel fits are done. # If not, tell user to run 'starfit --all' config = ConfigObj(os.path.join(folder, ini_file)) # Load required entries from ini_file try: name = config['name'] ra, dec = config['ra'], config['dec'] period = float(config['period']) rprs = float(config['rprs']) except KeyError as err: raise KeyError('Missing required element of ini file: {}'.format(err)) try: cadence = float(config['cadence']) except KeyError: logging.warning('Cadence not provided in fpp.ini; defaulting to Kepler cadence.') logging.warning('If this is not a Kepler target, please set cadence (in days).') cadence = 1626./86400 # Default to Kepler cadence def fullpath(filename): if os.path.isabs(filename): return filename else: return os.path.join(folder, filename) # Non-required entries with default values popset_file = fullpath(config.get('popset', 'popset.h5')) starfield_file = fullpath(config.get('starfield', 'starfield.h5')) trsig_file = fullpath(config.get('trsig', 'trsig.pkl')) # Check for StarModel fits starmodel_basename = config.get('starmodel_basename', '{}_starmodel'.format(ichrone)) single_starmodel_file = os.path.join(folder,'{}_single.h5'.format(starmodel_basename)) binary_starmodel_file = os.path.join(folder,'{}_binary.h5'.format(starmodel_basename)) triple_starmodel_file = os.path.join(folder,'{}_triple.h5'.format(starmodel_basename)) try: single_starmodel = StarModel.load_hdf(single_starmodel_file) binary_starmodel = StarModel.load_hdf(binary_starmodel_file) triple_starmodel = StarModel.load_hdf(triple_starmodel_file) except Exception as e: print(e) raise RuntimeError('Cannot load StarModels. ' + 'Please run `starfit --all {}`.'.format(folder)) # Create (or load) TransitSignal if os.path.exists(trsig_file):'Loading transit signal from {}...'.format(trsig_file)) with open(trsig_file, 'rb') as f: trsig = pickle.load(f) else: try: photfile = fullpath(config['photfile']) except KeyError: raise AttributeError('If transit pickle file (trsig.pkl) ' + 'not present, "photfile" must be' + 'defined.') trsig = TransitSignal.from_ascii(photfile, P=period, name=name) if not trsig.hasMCMC or refit_trap:'Fitting transitsignal with MCMC...') trsig.MCMC() # Create (or load) PopulationSet do_only = DEFAULT_MODELS if os.path.exists(popset_file): if recalc: os.remove(popset_file) else: with pd.HDFStore(popset_file) as store: do_only = [m for m in DEFAULT_MODELS if m not in store] # Check that properties of saved population match requested try: popset = PopulationSet.load_hdf(popset_file) for pop in popset.poplist: if pop.cadence != cadence: raise ValueError('Requested cadence ({}) '.format(cadence) + 'does not match stored {})! Set recalc=True.'.format(pop.cadence)) except: raise if do_only:'Generating {} models for PopulationSet...'.format(do_only)) else:'Populations ({}) already generated.'.format(DEFAULT_MODELS)) popset = PopulationSet(period=period, cadence=cadence, mags=single_starmodel.mags, ra=ra, dec=dec, trilegal_filename=starfield_file, # Maybe change parameter name? starmodel=single_starmodel, binary_starmodel=binary_starmodel, triple_starmodel=triple_starmodel, rprs=rprs, do_only=do_only, savefile=popset_file, **kwargs) fpp = cls(trsig, popset, folder=folder) ############# # Apply constraints # Exclusion radius maxrad = float(config['constraints']['maxrad']) fpp.set_maxrad(maxrad) if 'secthresh' in config['constraints']: secthresh = float(config['constraints']['secthresh']) if not np.isnan(secthresh): fpp.apply_secthresh(secthresh) # Odd-even constraint diff = 3 * np.max(trsig.depthfit[1]) fpp.constrain_oddeven(diff) #apply contrast curve constraints if present if 'ccfiles' in config['constraints']: ccfiles = config['constraints']['ccfiles'] if isinstance(ccfiles, string_types): ccfiles = [ccfiles] for ccfile in ccfiles: if not os.path.isabs(ccfile): ccfile = os.path.join(folder, ccfile) m ='(\w+)_(\w+)\.cc',os.path.basename(ccfile)) if not m: logging.warning('Invalid CC filename ({}); '.format(ccfile) + 'skipping.') continue else: band = inst = name = '{} {}-band'.format(inst, band) cc = ContrastCurveFromFile(ccfile, band, name=name) fpp.apply_cc(cc) #apply "velocity contrast curve" if present if 'vcc' in config['constraints']: dv = float(config['constraints']['vcc'][0]) dmag = float(config['constraints']['vcc'][1]) vcc = VelocityContrastCurve(dv, dmag) fpp.apply_vcc(vcc) return fpp
def __getattr__(self, attr): if attr != 'popset': return getattr(self.popset, attr)
[docs] def save(self, overwrite=True): """ Saves PopulationSet and TransitSignal. Shouldn't need to use this if you're using :func:`FPPCalculation.from_ini`. Saves :class`PopulationSet` to ``[folder]/popset.h5]`` and :class:`TransitSignal` to ``[folder]/trsig.pkl``. :param overwrite: (optional) Whether to overwrite existing files. """ self.save_popset(overwrite=overwrite) self.save_signal()
[docs] @classmethod def load(cls, folder): """ Loads PopulationSet from folder ``popset.h5`` and ``trsig.pkl`` must exist in folder. :param folder: Folder from which to load. """ popset = PopulationSet.load_hdf(os.path.join(folder,'popset.h5')) sigfile = os.path.join(folder,'trsig.pkl') with open(sigfile, 'rb') as f: trsig = pickle.load(f) return cls(trsig, popset, folder=folder)
[docs] def FPPplots(self, folder=None, format='png', tag=None, **kwargs): """ Make FPP diagnostic plots Makes likelihood "fuzz plot" for each model, a FPP summary figure, a plot of the :class:`TransitSignal`, and writes a ``results.txt`` file. :param folder: (optional) Destination folder for plots/``results.txt``. Default is ``self.folder``. :param format: (optional) Desired format of figures. e.g. ``png``, ``pdf``... :param tag: (optional) If this is provided (string), then filenames will have ``_[tag]`` appended to the filename, before the extension. :param **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments passed to :func:`PopulationSet.lhoodplots`. """ if folder is None: folder = self.folder self.write_results(folder=folder) self.lhoodplots(folder=folder,figformat=format,tag=tag,**kwargs) self.FPPsummary(folder=folder,saveplot=True,figformat=format,tag=tag) self.plotsignal(folder=folder,saveplot=True,figformat=format)
[docs] def plotsignal(self,fig=None,saveplot=True,folder=None,figformat='png',**kwargs): """ Plots TransitSignal Calls :func:`TransitSignal.plot`, saves to provided folder. :param fig: (optional) Argument for :func:`plotutils.setfig`. :param saveplot: (optional) Whether to save figure. :param folder: (optional) Folder to which to save plot :param figformat: (optional) Desired format for figure. :param **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments passed to :func:`TransitSignal.plot`. """ if folder is None: folder = self.folder self.trsig.plot(plot_trap=True,fig=fig,**kwargs) if saveplot: plt.savefig('%s/signal.%s' % (folder,figformat)) plt.close()
[docs] def write_results(self,folder=None, filename='results.txt', to_file=True): """ Writes text file of calculation summary. :param folder: (optional) Folder to which to write ``results.txt``. :param filename: Filename to write. Default=``results.txt``. :param to_file: If True, then writes file. Otherwise just return header, line. :returns: Header string, line """ if folder is None: folder = self.folder if to_file: fout = open(os.path.join(folder,filename), 'w') header = '' for m in self.popset.shortmodelnames: header += 'lhood_{0} L_{0} pr_{0} '.format(m) header += 'fpV fp FPP' if to_file: fout.write('{} \n'.format(header)) Ls = {} Ltot = 0 lhoods = {} for model in self.popset.modelnames: lhoods[model] = self.lhood(model) Ls[model] = self.prior(model)*lhoods[model] Ltot += Ls[model] line = '' for model in self.popset.modelnames: line += '%.2e %.2e %.2e ' % (lhoods[model], Ls[model], Ls[model]/Ltot) line += '%.3g %.3f %.2e' % (self.fpV(),self.priorfactors['fp_specific'],self.FPP()) if to_file: fout.write(line+'\n') fout.close() return header, line
[docs] def save_popset(self,filename='popset.h5',**kwargs): """Saves the PopulationSet Calls :func:`PopulationSet.save_hdf`. """ self.popset.save_hdf(os.path.join(self.folder,filename))
[docs] def save_signal(self,filename=None): """ Saves TransitSignal. Calls :func:``; default filename is ``trsig.pkl`` in ``self.folder``. """ if filename is None: filename = os.path.join(self.folder,'trsig.pkl')
[docs] def FPPsummary(self,fig=None,figsize=(10,8),saveplot=False,folder='.', starinfo=True,siginfo=True, priorinfo=True,constraintinfo=True, tag=None,simple=False,figformat='png'): """ Makes FPP summary plot .. note:: This is due for updates/improvements. :param fig, figsize: (optional) Arguments for :func:`plotutils.setfig`. :param saveplot: (optional) Whether to save figure. Default is ``False``. :param folder: (optional) Folder to which to save plot; default is current working dir. :param figformat: (optional) Desired format of saved figure. """ if simple: starinfo = False siginfo = False priorinfo = False constraintinfo = False setfig(fig,figsize=figsize) # three pie charts priors = []; lhoods = []; Ls = [] for model in self.popset.modelnames: priors.append(self.prior(model)) lhoods.append(self.lhood(model)) if np.isnan(priors[-1]): raise ValueError('{} prior is nan; priorfactors={}'.format(model, self.priorfactors)) Ls.append(priors[-1]*lhoods[-1]) priors = np.array(priors) lhoods = np.array(lhoods) Ls = np.array(Ls) logging.debug('modelnames={}'.format(self.popset.modelnames)) logging.debug('priors={}'.format(priors)) logging.debug('lhoods={}'.format(lhoods)) #colors = ['b','g','r','m','c'] nmodels = len(self.popset.modelnames) colors = [cm.jet(1.*i/nmodels) for i in range(nmodels)] legendprop = {'size':8} ax1 = plt.axes([0.15,0.45,0.35,0.43]) try: plt.pie(priors/priors.sum(),colors=colors) labels = [] for i,model in enumerate(self.popset.modelnames): labels.append('%s: %.1e' % (model,priors[i])) plt.legend(labels,bbox_to_anchor=(-0.25,-0.1),loc='lower left',prop=legendprop) plt.title('Priors') except: msg = 'Error calculating priors.\n' for i,mod in enumerate(self.popset.shortmodelnames): msg += '%s: %.1e' % (model,priors[i]) plt.annotate(msg, xy=(0.5,0.5), xycoords='axes fraction') ax2 = plt.axes([0.5,0.45,0.35,0.43]) try: plt.pie(lhoods/lhoods.sum(),colors=colors) labels = [] for i,model in enumerate(self.popset.modelnames): labels.append('%s: %.1e' % (model,lhoods[i])) plt.legend(labels,bbox_to_anchor=(1.25,-0.1),loc='lower right',prop=legendprop) plt.title('Likelihoods') except: msg = 'Error calculating lhoods.\n' for i,mod in enumerate(self.popset.shortmodelnames): msg += '%s: %.1e' % (model,lhoods[i]) plt.annotate(msg, xy=(0.5,0.5), xycoords='axes fraction') ax3 = plt.axes([0.3,0.03,0.4,0.5]) try: plt.pie(Ls/Ls.sum(),colors=colors) labels = [] #for i,model in enumerate(['eb','heb','bgeb','bgpl','pl']): for i,model in enumerate(self.popset.modelnames): labels.append('%s: %.3f' % (model,Ls[i]/Ls.sum())) plt.legend(labels,bbox_to_anchor=(1.6,0.44),loc='right',prop={'size':10},shadow=True) plt.annotate('Final Probability',xy=(0.5,-0.01),ha='center',xycoords='axes fraction',fontsize=18) except: msg = 'Error calculating final probabilities.\n' plt.annotate(msg, xy=(0.5,0.5), xycoords='axes fraction') """ #starpars = 'Star parameters used\nin simulations' starpars = '' if 'M' in self['heb'].stars.keywords and 'DM_P' in self.keywords: starpars += '\n$M/M_\odot = %.2f^{+%.2f}_{-%.2f}$' % (self['M'],self['DM_P'],self['DM_N']) else: starpars += '\n$(M/M_\odot = %.2f \pm %.2f)$' % (self['M'],0) #this might not always be right? if 'DR_P' in self.keywords: starpars += '\n$R/R_\odot = %.2f^{+%.2f}_{-%.2f}$' % (self['R'],self['DR_P'],self['DR_N']) else: starpars += '\n$R/R_\odot = %.2f \pm %.2f$' % (self['R'],self['DR']) if 'FEH' in self.keywords: if 'DFEH_P' in self.keywords: starpars += '\n$[Fe/H] = %.2f^{+%.2f}_{-%.2f}$' % (self['FEH'],self['DFEH_P'],self['DFEH_N']) else: starpars += '\n$[Fe/H] = %.2f \pm %.2f$' % (self['FEH'],self['DFEH']) for kw in self.keywords: if'-',kw): try: starpars += '\n$%s = %.2f (%.2f)$ ' % (kw,self[kw],self['COLORTOL']) except TypeError: starpars += '\n$%s = %s (%.2f)$ ' % (kw,self[kw],self['COLORTOL']) #if 'J-K' in self.keywords: # starpars += '\n$J-K = %.2f (%.2f)$ ' % (self['J-K'],self['COLORTOL']) #if 'G-R' in self.keywords: # starpars += '\n$g-r = %.2f (%.2f)$' % (self['G-R'],self['COLORTOL']) if starinfo: plt.annotate(starpars,xy=(0.03,0.91),xycoords='figure fraction',va='top') #p.annotate('Star',xy=(0.04,0.92),xycoords='figure fraction',va='top') priorpars = r'$f_{b,short} = %.2f$ $f_{trip} = %.2f$' % (self.priorfactors['fB']*self.priorfactors['f_Pshort'], self.priorfactors['ftrip']) if 'ALPHA' in self.priorfactors: priorpars += '\n'+r'$f_{pl,bg} = %.2f$ $\alpha_{pl,bg} = %.1f$' % (self.priorfactors['fp'],self['ALPHA']) else: priorpars += '\n'+r'$f_{pl,bg} = %.2f$ $\alpha_1,\alpha_2,r_b = %.1f,%.1f,%.1f$' % \ (self.priorfactors['fp'],self['bgpl'].stars.keywords['ALPHA1'], self['bgpl'].stars.keywords['ALPHA2'], self['bgpl'].stars.keywords['RBREAK']) rbin1,rbin2 = self['RBINCEN']-self['RBINWID'],self['RBINCEN']+self['RBINWID'] priorpars += '\n$f_{pl,specific} = %.2f, \in [%.2f,%.2f] R_\oplus$' % (self.priorfactors['fp_specific'],rbin1,rbin2) priorpars += '\n$r_{confusion} = %.1f$"' % sqrt(self.priorfactors['area']/pi) if self.priorfactors['multboost'] != 1: priorpars += '\nmultiplicity boost = %ix' % self.priorfactors['multboost'] if priorinfo: plt.annotate(priorpars,xy=(0.03,0.4),xycoords='figure fraction',va='top') sigpars = '' sigpars += '\n$P = %s$ d' % self['P'] depth,ddepth = self.trsig.depthfit sigpars += '\n$\delta = %i^{+%i}_{-%i}$ ppm' % (depth*1e6,ddepth[1]*1e6,ddepth[0]*1e6) dur,ddur = self.trsig.durfit sigpars += '\n$T = %.2f^{+%.2f}_{-%.2f}$ h' % (dur*24.,ddur[1]*24,ddur[0]*24) slope,dslope = self.trsig.slopefit sigpars += '\n'+r'$T/\tau = %.1f^{+%.1f}_{-%.1f}$' % (slope,dslope[1],dslope[0]) sigpars += '\n'+r'$(T/\tau)_{max} = %.1f$' % (self.trsig.maxslope) if siginfo: plt.annotate(sigpars,xy=(0.81,0.91),xycoords='figure fraction',va='top') #p.annotate('${}^a$Not used for FP population simulations',xy=(0.02,0.02), # xycoords='figure fraction',fontsize=9) """ constraints = 'Constraints:' for c in self.popset.constraints: try: constraints += '\n %s' % self['heb'].constraints[c] except KeyError: try: constraints += '\n %s' % self['beb'].constraints[c] except KeyError: constraints += '\n %s' % self['heb_px2'].constraints[c] if constraintinfo: plt.annotate(constraints,xy=(0.03,0.22),xycoords='figure fraction', va='top',color='red') odds = 1./self.FPP() if odds > 1e6: fppstr = 'FPP: < 1 in 1e6' elif np.isfinite(odds): fppstr = 'FPP: 1 in %i' % odds else: fppstr = 'FPP calculation failed.' plt.annotate('$f_{pl,V} = %.3f$\n%s' % (self.fpV(),fppstr),xy=(0.7,0.02), xycoords='figure fraction',fontsize=16,va='bottom') plt.suptitle(,fontsize=22) #if not simple: # plt.annotate('n = %.0e' % self.n,xy=(0.5,0.85),xycoords='figure fraction', # fontsize=14,ha='center') if saveplot: if tag is not None: plt.savefig('%s/FPPsummary_%s.%s' % (folder,tag,figformat)) else: plt.savefig('%s/FPPsummary.%s' % (folder,figformat)) plt.close()
[docs] def lhoodplots(self,folder='.',tag=None,figformat='png', recalc_lhood=False, **kwargs): """ Make a plot of the likelihood for each model in PopulationSet """ Ltot = 0 for model in self.popset.modelnames: Ltot += self.prior(model)*self.lhood(model, recalc=recalc_lhood) for model in self.popset.shortmodelnames: if isinstance(self[model], ArtificialPopulation): continue self.lhoodplot(model,Ltot=Ltot,**kwargs) if tag is None: plt.savefig('%s/%s.%s' % (folder,model,figformat)) else: plt.savefig('%s/%s_%s.%s' % (folder,model,figformat)) plt.close()
[docs] def lhoodplot(self,model,suptitle='',**kwargs): """ Make a plot of the likelihood for a given model. """ if suptitle=='': suptitle = self[model].model self[model].lhoodplot(self.trsig,colordict=self.popset.colordict, suptitle=suptitle,**kwargs)
def calc_lhoods(self,**kwargs): logging.debug('Calculating likelihoods...') for pop in self.popset.poplist: L = pop.lhood(self.trsig,**kwargs) logging.debug('%s: %.2e' % (pop.model,L)) def __hash__(self): return hashcombine(self.popset, self.trsig) def __getitem__(self,model): return self.popset[model]
[docs] def prior(self,model): """ Return the prior for a given model. """ return self[model].prior
[docs] def lhood(self,model,**kwargs): """ Return the likelihood for a given model. """ return self[model].lhood(self.trsig, **kwargs)
def Pval(self,skipmodels=None): Lfpp = 0 if skipmodels is None: skipmodels = [] logging.debug('evaluating likelihoods for %s' % for model in self.popset.modelnames: if model=='Planets': continue if model not in skipmodels: prior = self.prior(model) lhood = self.lhood(model) Lfpp += prior*lhood logging.debug('%s: %.2e = %.2e (prior) x %.2e (lhood)' % (model,prior*lhood,prior,lhood)) prior = self.prior('pl') lhood = self.lhood('pl') Lpl = prior*lhood logging.debug('planet: %.2e = %.2e (prior) x %.2e (lhood)' % (prior*lhood,prior,lhood)) return Lpl/Lfpp/self['pl'].priorfactors['fp_specific'] def fpV(self,FPPV=0.005,skipmodels=None): P = self.Pval(skipmodels=skipmodels) return (1-FPPV)/(P*FPPV)
[docs] def FPP(self,skipmodels=None): """ Return the false positive probability (FPP) """ Lfpp = 0 if skipmodels is None: skipmodels = [] logging.debug('evaluating likelihoods for %s' % for shortmodel, model in zip(self.popset.shortmodelnames, self.popset.modelnames): if model=='Planets': continue if (model not in skipmodels) and (shortmodel not in skipmodels): prior = self.prior(model) lhood = self.lhood(model) Lfpp += prior*lhood logging.debug('%s: %.2e = %.2e (prior) x %.2e (lhood)' % (model,prior*lhood,prior,lhood)) prior = self.prior('pl') lhood = self.lhood('pl') Lpl = prior*lhood logging.debug('planet: %.2e = %.2e (prior) x %.2e (lhood)' % (prior*lhood,prior,lhood)) return 1 - Lpl/(Lpl + Lfpp)
def bootstrap_FPP(self, N=10, filename='results_bootstrap.txt'): lines = [] for i in range(N): new = FPPCalculation(self.trsig, self.popset.resample(), folder=self.folder) h,l = new.write_results(to_file=False) lines.append(l) with open(os.path.join(self.folder, filename),'w') as fout: fout.write(h + '\n') for l in lines: fout.write(l + '\n') return h, lines