Source code for vespa.orbits.utils

import logging

    import numpy as np
    import numpy.random as rand

    from astropy import units as u
    from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord,Angle
    from astropy.units.quantity import Quantity
    from astropy import constants as const
    MSUN = const.M_sun.cgs.value
    AU =
    DAY = 86400
    G = const.G.cgs.value
except ImportError:
    np,rand = (None, None)
    u, SkyCoord, Angle, Quantity, Const = (None, None, None, None, None)
    MSUN, AU, DAY, G = (None, None, None, None)

import os
on_rtd = os.environ.get('READTHEDOCS') == 'True'

if not on_rtd:
    from .kepler import Efn #

def semimajor(P,M):
    P, M can be ``Quantity`` objects; otherwise default to day, M_sun
    if type(P) != Quantity:
        P = P*
    if type(M) != Quantity:
        M = M*u.M_sun
    a = ((P/2/np.pi)**2*const.G*M)**(1./3)

[docs]def random_spherepos(n): """ Returns SkyCoord object with n positions randomly oriented on the unit sphere. :param n: (``int``) Number of positions desired. :return c: ``astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord`` object with random positions """ signs = np.sign(rand.uniform(-1,1,size=n)) thetas = Angle(np.arccos(rand.uniform(size=n)*signs),unit=u.rad) #random b/w 0 and 180 phis = Angle(rand.uniform(0,2*np.pi,size=n),unit=u.rad) c = SkyCoord(phis,thetas,1,representation='physicsspherical') return c
[docs]def orbitproject(x,y,inc,phi=0,psi=0): """ Transform x,y planar coordinates into observer's coordinate frame. ``x,y`` are coordinates in ``z=0`` plane (plane of the orbit) observer is at ``(inc, phi)`` on celestial sphere (angles in radians); ``psi`` is orientation of final ``x-y`` axes about the ``(inc,phi)`` vector. Returns ``x,y,z`` values in observer's coordinate frame, where ``x,y`` are now plane-of-sky coordinates and ``z`` is along the line of sight. :param x,y: (``float`` or array-like) Coordinates to transform. :param inc: (``float`` or array-like) Polar angle(s) of observer (where ``inc=0`` corresponds to north pole of original ``x-y`` plane). This angle is the same as standard "inclination." :param phi: (``float`` or array-like, optional) Azimuthal angle of observer around ``z`` -axis :param psi: (``float`` or array-like, optional) Orientation of final observer coordinate frame (azimuthal around ``(inc,phi)`` vector. :return x,y,z: (``ndarray``) Coordinates in observers' frames. ``x,y`` in "plane of sky" and ``z`` along line of sight. """ x2 = x*np.cos(phi) + y*np.sin(phi) y2 = -x*np.sin(phi) + y*np.cos(phi) z2 = y2*np.sin(inc) y2 = y2*np.cos(inc) xf = x2*np.cos(psi) - y2*np.sin(psi) yf = x2*np.sin(psi) + y2*np.cos(psi) return (xf,yf,z2)
[docs]def orbit_posvel(Ms,eccs,semimajors,mreds,obspos=None): """ Returns positions in projected AU and velocities in km/s for given mean anomalies. Returns 3-D positions and velocities as SkyCoord objects, in "observer" reference frame. Uses :func:`kepler.Efn` to calculate eccentric anomalies using interpolation. :param Ms,eccs,semimajors,mreds: (``float`` or array-like) Mean anomalies, eccentricities, semimajor axes [AU], reduced masses [Msun]. :param obspos: (``None``, ``(x,y,z)`` ``tuple`` or ``SkyCoord`` object) Locations of observers for which to return coordinates. If ``None`` then populate randomly on sphere. If ``(x,y,z)`` or ``SkyCoord`` object provided, then use those. :returns pos,vel: ``SkyCoord`` Objects representing the positions and velocities, the coordinates of which are ``Quantity`` objects that have units. Positions are in projected AU and velocities in km/s. """ Es = Efn(Ms,eccs) #eccentric anomalies by interpolation rs = semimajors*(1-eccs*np.cos(Es)) nus = 2 * np.arctan2(np.sqrt(1+eccs)*np.sin(Es/2),np.sqrt(1-eccs)*np.cos(Es/2)) xs = semimajors*(np.cos(Es) - eccs) #AU ys = semimajors*np.sqrt(1-eccs**2)*np.sin(Es) #AU Edots = np.sqrt(G*mreds*MSUN/(semimajors*AU)**3)/(1-eccs*np.cos(Es)) xdots = -semimajors*AU*np.sin(Es)*Edots/1e5 #km/s ydots = semimajors*AU*np.sqrt(1-eccs**2)*np.cos(Es)*Edots/1e5 # km/s n = np.size(xs) orbpos = SkyCoord(xs,ys,0*u.AU,representation='cartesian',unit='AU') orbvel = SkyCoord(xdots,ydots,0*,representation='cartesian',unit='km/s') if obspos is None: obspos = random_spherepos(n) #observer position if type(obspos) == type((1,2,3)): obspos = SkyCoord(obspos[0],obspos[1],obspos[2], representation='cartesian').represent_as('physicsspherical') if not hasattr(obspos,'theta'): #if obspos not physics spherical, make it obspos = obspos.represent_as('physicsspherical') #random orientation of the sky 'x-y' coordinates psi = rand.random(n)*2*np.pi #transform positions and velocities into observer coordinates x,y,z = orbitproject(orbpos.x,orbpos.y,obspos.theta,obspos.phi,psi) vx,vy,vz = orbitproject(orbvel.x,orbvel.y,obspos.theta,obspos.phi,psi) return (SkyCoord(x,y,z,representation='cartesian'), SkyCoord(vx,vy,vz,representation='cartesian'))