Source code for vespa.plotutils

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import numpy as np
    import logging
except ImportError:
    plt = None
    np = None
[docs]def setfig(fig=None,**kwargs): """ Sets figure to 'fig' and clears; if fig is 0, does nothing (e.g. for overplotting) if fig is None (or anything else), creates new figure I use this for basically every function I write to make a plot. I give the function a "fig=None" kw argument, so that it will by default create a new figure. .. note:: There's most certainly a better, more object-oriented way of going about writing functions that make figures, but this was put together before I knew how to think that way, so this stays for now as a convenience. """ if fig: plt.figure(fig,**kwargs) plt.clf() elif fig==0: pass else: plt.figure(**kwargs)
[docs]def plot2dhist(xdata,ydata,cmap='binary',interpolation='nearest', fig=None,logscale=True,xbins=None,ybins=None, nbins=50,pts_only=False,**kwargs): """Plots a 2d density histogram of provided data :param xdata,ydata: (array-like) Data to plot. :param cmap: (optional) Colormap to use for density plot. :param interpolation: (optional) Interpolation scheme for display (passed to ``plt.imshow``). :param fig: (optional) Argument passed to :func:`setfig`. :param logscale: (optional) If ``True`` then the colormap will be based on a logarithmic scale, rather than linear. :param xbins,ybins: (optional) Bin edges to use (if ``None``, then use ``np.histogram2d`` to find bins automatically). :param nbins: (optional) Number of bins to use (if ``None``, then use ``np.histogram2d`` to find bins automatically). :param pts_only: (optional) If ``True``, then just a scatter plot of the points is made, rather than the density plot. :param **kwargs: Keyword arguments passed either to ``plt.plot`` or ``plt.imshow`` depending upon whether ``pts_only`` is set to ``True`` or not. """ setfig(fig) if pts_only: plt.plot(xdata,ydata,**kwargs) return ok = (~np.isnan(xdata) & ~np.isnan(ydata) & ~np.isinf(xdata) & ~np.isinf(ydata)) if ~ok.sum() > 0: logging.warning('{} x values and {} y values are nan'.format(np.isnan(xdata).sum(), np.isnan(ydata).sum())) logging.warning('{} x values and {} y values are inf'.format(np.isinf(xdata).sum(), np.isinf(ydata).sum())) if xbins is not None and ybins is not None: H,xs,ys = np.histogram2d(xdata[ok],ydata[ok],bins=(xbins,ybins)) else: H,xs,ys = np.histogram2d(xdata[ok],ydata[ok],bins=nbins) H = H.T if logscale: H = np.log(H) extent = [xs[0],xs[-1],ys[0],ys[-1]] plt.imshow(H,extent=extent,interpolation=interpolation, aspect='auto',cmap=cmap,origin='lower',**kwargs)