Source code for vespa.populations

from __future__ import print_function, division

import logging
import os, os.path
import re
import math
import copy

on_rtd = os.environ.get('READTHEDOCS') == 'True'

if not on_rtd:
    import numpy as np
    import pandas as pd
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    from matplotlib import cm

    from scipy.stats import gaussian_kde
    from scipy.integrate import quad
    np, pd, plt, cm = (None, None, None, None)
    gaussian_kde, quad = (None, None)

    from sklearn.neighbors import KernelDensity
    from sklearn.grid_search import GridSearchCV
except ImportError:
    logging.warning('sklearn not available')
    KernelDensity = None
    GridSearchCV = None

if not on_rtd:
    from isochrones import StarModel, get_ichrone
    class StarModel(object):
#from transit import Central, System, Body

from .transit_basic import occultquad, ldcoeffs, minimum_inclination
from .transit_basic import MAInterpolationFunction
from .transit_basic import eclipse_pars
from .transit_basic import eclipse, eclipse_tt, NoEclipseError, NoFitError
from .transit_basic import MAXSLOPE
from .fitebs import fitebs

from .plotutils import setfig, plot2dhist
from .hashutils import hashcombine

from .stars.populations import StarPopulation, MultipleStarPopulation
from .stars.populations import BGStarPopulation, BGStarPopulation_TRILEGAL
from .stars.populations import Observed_BinaryPopulation, Observed_TriplePopulation
# from .stars.populations import DARTMOUTH
from .stars.utils import draw_eccs, semimajor, withinroche
from .stars.utils import mult_masses, randpos_in_circle
from .stars.utils import fluxfrac, addmags
from .stars.utils import RAGHAVAN_LOGPERKDE

from .stars.constraints import UpperLimit

    import simpledist.distributions as dists
except ImportError:
    logging.warning('simpledist not available')
    dists = None

    from progressbar import Percentage,Bar,RotatingMarker,ETA,ProgressBar
    pbar_ok = True
except ImportError:
    pbar_ok = False

from .orbits.populations import OrbitPopulation, TripleOrbitPopulation

SHORT_MODELNAMES = {'Planets':'pl',
                    'EBs (Double Period)':'eb_Px2',
                    'HEBs (Double Period)':'heb_Px2',
                    'BEBs (Double Period)':'beb_Px2',
                    'Blended Planets':'bpl',
                    'Specific BEB':'sbeb',
                    'Specific HEB':'sheb'}


DEFAULT_MODELS = ['beb','heb','eb',
                  'beb_Px2', 'heb_Px2','eb_Px2',

if not on_rtd:
    from astropy.units import Quantity
    import astropy.units as u
    import astropy.constants as const
    AU =
    RSUN = const.R_sun.cgs.value
    MSUN = const.M_sun.cgs.value
    G = const.G.cgs.value
    REARTH = const.R_earth.cgs.value
    MEARTH = const.M_earth.cgs.value
    Quantity = None
    u = None
    const = None
    AU, RSUN, MSUN, G, REARTH, MEARTH = (None, None, None, None, None, None)

[docs]class EclipsePopulation(StarPopulation): """Base class for populations of eclipsing things. This is the base class for populations of various scenarios that could explain a tranist signal; that is, astrophysical false positives or transiting planets. Once set up properly, :func:`EclipsePopulation.fit_trapezoids` can be used to fit the trapezoidal shape parameters, after which the likelihood of a transit signal under the model may be calculated. Subclasses :class:`vespa.stars.StarPopulation`, which enables all the functionality of observational constraints. if prob is not passed; should be able to calculated from given star/orbit properties. As with :class:`vespa.stars.StarPopulation`, any subclass must be able to be initialized with no arguments passed, in order for :func:`vespa.stars.StarPopulation.load_hdf` to work properly. :param stars: ``DataFrame`` with star properties. Must contain ``M_1, M_2, R_1, R_2, u1_1, u1_2, u2_1, u2_2``. Also, either the ``period`` keyword argument must be provided or a ``period`` column should be in ``stars``. ``stars`` must also have the eclipse parameters: `'inc, ecc, w, dpri, dsec, b_sec, b_pri, fluxfrac_1, fluxfrac_2``. :param period: (optional) Orbital period. If not provided, then ``stars`` must have period column. :param model: (optional) Name of the model. :param priorfactors: (optional) Multiplicative factors that quantify the model prior for this particular model; e.g. ``f_binary``, etc. :param lhoodcachefile: (optional) File where likelihood calculation cache is written. :param orbpop: (optional) Orbit population. :type orbpop: :class:`orbits.OrbitPopulation` or :class:`orbits.TripleOrbitPopulation` :param prob: (optional) Averaged eclipse probability of scenario instances. If not provided, this should be calculated, though this is not implemented yet. :param cadence: (optional) Observing cadence, in days. Defaults to *Kepler* value. :param **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments passed to :class:`vespa.stars.StarPopulation`. """ def __init__(self, stars=None, period=None, model='', priorfactors=None, lhoodcachefile=None, orbpop=None, prob=None, cadence=1626./86400, #Kepler observing cadence, in days **kwargs): self.period = period self.model = model if priorfactors is None: priorfactors = {} self.priorfactors = priorfactors self.prob = prob #calculate this if not provided? self.cadence = cadence self.lhoodcachefile = lhoodcachefile self.is_specific = False StarPopulation.__init__(self, stars=stars, orbpop=orbpop, name=model, **kwargs) if stars is not None: if len(self.stars)==0: raise EmptyPopulationError('Zero elements in {} population'.format(model)) if 'slope' in self.stars: self._make_kde()
[docs] def fit_trapezoids(self, MAfn=None, msg=None, use_pbar=True, **kwargs): """ Fit trapezoid shape to each eclipse in population For each instance in the population, first the correct, physical Mandel-Agol transit shape is simulated, and then this curve is fit with a trapezoid model :param MAfn: :class:`transit_basic.MAInterpolationFunction` object. If not passed, then one with default parameters will be created. :param msg: Message to be displayed for progressbar output. :param **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments passed to :func:`fitebs.fitebs`. """'Fitting trapezoid models for {}...'.format(self.model)) if msg is None: msg = '{}: '.format(self.model) n = len(self.stars) deps, durs, slopes = (np.zeros(n), np.zeros(n), np.zeros(n)) secs = np.zeros(n, dtype=bool) dsec = np.zeros(n) if use_pbar and pbar_ok: widgets = [msg+'fitting shape parameters for %i systems: ' % n,Percentage(), ' ',Bar(marker=RotatingMarker()),' ',ETA()] pbar = ProgressBar(widgets=widgets,maxval=n) pbar.start() for i in range(n): logging.debug('Fitting star {}'.format(i)) pri = (self.stars['dpri'][i] > self.stars['dsec'][i] or np.isnan(self.stars['dsec'][i])) sec = not pri secs[i] = sec if sec: dsec[i] = self.stars['dpri'][i] else: dsec[i] = self.stars['dsec'][i] try: trap_pars = self.eclipse_trapfit(i, secondary=sec, **kwargs) except NoEclipseError: logging.error('No eclipse registered for star {}'.format(i)) trap_pars = (np.nan, np.nan, np.nan) except NoFitError: logging.error('Fit did not converge for star {}'.format(i)) trap_pars = (np.nan, np.nan, np.nan) except KeyboardInterrupt: raise except: logging.error('Unknown error for star {}'.format(i)) trap_pars = (np.nan, np.nan, np.nan) if use_pbar and pbar_ok: pbar.update(i) durs[i], deps[i], slopes[i] = trap_pars'Done.') self.stars['depth'] = deps self.stars['duration'] = durs self.stars['slope'] = slopes self.stars['secdepth'] = dsec self.stars['secondary'] = secs self._make_kde()
@property def eclipse_features(self): stars = self.stars ok = (stars.depth > 0).values stars = stars[ok] texp = self.cadence # Define features sec = stars.secondary pri = ~sec P = stars.P T14 = sec*stars.T14_sec + pri*stars.T14_pri T23 = sec*stars.T23_sec + pri*stars.T23_pri T14 += texp T23 = np.clip(T23 - texp, 0, T14) tau = (T14 - T23)/2. k = (sec*(stars.radius_A/stars.radius_B) + ~sec*(stars.radius_B/stars.radius_A)) b = sec*(stars.b_sec/k) + pri*stars.b_pri logd = np.log10(sec*stars.dsec + pri*stars.dpri) u1 = sec*stars.u1_2 + pri*stars.u1_1 u2 = sec*stars.u2_2 + pri*stars.u2_1 #fluxfrac = sec*stars.fluxfrac_2 + pri*stars.fluxfrac_1 dilution = self.dilution_factor[ok] X = np.array([P,T14,tau,k,b,logd,u1,u2,dilution,sec]).T return X @property def eclipse_targets(self): ok = (self.stars.depth > 0).values stars = self.stars[ok] duration = np.array(stars.duration) logdepth = np.array(np.log10(stars.depth)) slope = np.array(stars.slope) return duration, logdepth, slope def apply_multicolor_transit(self, band, depth): raise NotImplementedError('multicolor transit not yet implemented') @property def eclipseprob(self): """ Array of eclipse probabilities. """ #TODO: incorporate eccentricity/omega for exact calculation? s = self.stars return ((s['radius_1'] + s['radius_2'])*RSUN / (semimajor(s['P'],s['mass_1'] + s['mass_2'])*AU)) @property def mean_eclipseprob(self): """Mean eclipse probability for population """ return self.eclipseprob.mean() @property def modelshort(self): """ Short version of model name Dictionary defined in ````:: SHORT_MODELNAMES = {'Planets':'pl', 'EBs':'eb', 'HEBs':'heb', 'BEBs':'beb', 'Blended Planets':'bpl', 'Specific BEB':'sbeb', 'Specific HEB':'sheb'} """ try: name = SHORT_MODELNAMES[self.model] #add index if specific model is indexed if hasattr(self,'index'): name += '-{}'.format(self.index) return name except KeyError: raise KeyError('No short name for model: %s' % self.model) @property def dilution_factor(self): """ Multiplicative factor (<1) that converts true depth to diluted depth. """ return np.ones(len(self.stars)) @property def depth(self): """ Observed primary depth (fitted undiluted depth * dilution factor) """ return self.dilution_factor * self.stars['depth'] @property def secondary_depth(self): """ Observed secondary depth (fitted undiluted sec. depth * dilution factor) """ return self.dilution_factor * self.stars['secdepth']
[docs] def constrain_secdepth(self, thresh): """ Constrain the observed secondary depth to be less than a given value :param thresh: Maximum allowed fractional depth for diluted secondary eclipse depth """ self.apply_constraint(UpperLimit(self.secondary_depth, thresh, name='secondary depth'))
[docs] def apply_secthresh(self, *args, **kwargs): """Another name for constrain_secdepth """ return self.constrain_secdepth(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def fluxfrac_eclipsing(self, band=None): """Stub for future multicolor transit implementation """ pass
[docs] def depth_in_band(self, band): """Stub for future multicolor transit implementation """ pass
@property def prior(self): """ Model prior for particular model. Product of eclipse probability (``self.prob``), the fraction of scenario that is allowed by the various constraints (``self.selectfrac``), and all additional factors in ``self.priorfactors``. """ prior = self.prob * self.selectfrac for f in self.priorfactors: prior *= self.priorfactors[f] return prior
[docs] def add_priorfactor(self,**kwargs): """Adds given values to priorfactors If given keyword exists already, error will be raised to use :func:`EclipsePopulation.change_prior` instead. """ for kw in kwargs: if kw in self.priorfactors: logging.error('%s already in prior factors for %s. use change_prior function instead.' % (kw,self.model)) continue else: self.priorfactors[kw] = kwargs[kw]'%s added to prior factors for %s' % (kw,self.model))
[docs] def change_prior(self, **kwargs): """ Changes existing priorfactors. If given keyword isn't already in priorfactors, then will be ignored. """ for kw in kwargs: if kw in self.priorfactors: self.priorfactors[kw] = kwargs[kw]'{0} changed to {1} for {2} model'.format(kw,kwargs[kw], self.model))
def _make_kde(self, use_sklearn=False, bandwidth=None, rtol=1e-6, sig_clip=50, no_sig_clip=False, cov_all=True, **kwargs): """Creates KDE objects for 3-d shape parameter distribution KDE represents likelihood as function of trapezoidal shape parameters (log(delta), T, T/tau). Uses :class:`scipy.stats.gaussian_kde`` KDE by default; Scikit-learn KDE implementation tested a bit, but not fully implemented. :param use_sklearn: Whether to use scikit-learn implementation of KDE. Not yet fully implemented, so this should stay ``False``. :param bandwidth, rtol: Parameters for sklearn KDE. :param **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments passed to :class:`scipy.stats.gaussian_kde``. """ try: #define points that are ok to use first_ok = ((self.stars['slope'] > 0) & (self.stars['duration'] > 0) & (self.stars['duration'] < self.period) & (self.depth > 0)) except KeyError: logging.warning('Must do trapezoid fits before making KDE.') return self.empty = False if first_ok.sum() < 4: logging.warning('Empty population ({}): < 4 valid systems! Cannot calculate lhood.'.format(self.model)) self.is_empty = True #will cause is_ruled_out to be true as well. return #raise EmptyPopulationError('< 4 valid systems in population') logdeps = np.log10(self.depth) durs = self.stars['duration'] slopes = self.stars['slope'] #Now sigma-clip those points that passed first cuts ok = np.ones(len(logdeps), dtype=bool) for x in [logdeps, durs, slopes]: med = np.median(x[first_ok]) mad = np.median(np.absolute(x[first_ok] - med)) ok &= np.absolute(x - med) / mad < sig_clip second_ok = first_ok & ok # Before making KDE for real, first calculate # covariance and inv_cov of uncut data, to use # when it's cut, too. points = np.array([durs[second_ok], logdeps[second_ok], slopes[second_ok]]) kde = gaussian_kde(np.vstack(points)) #backward compatibility? cov_all = kde._data_covariance icov_all = kde._data_inv_cov factor = kde.factor # OK, now cut the data for constraints & proceed ok = second_ok & self.distok logdeps = logdeps[ok] durs = durs[ok] slopes = slopes[ok] if ok.sum() < 4 and not self.empty: logging.warning('Empty population ({}): < 4 valid systems! Cannot calculate lhood.'.format(self.model)) self.is_empty = True return #raise EmptyPopulationError('< 4 valid systems in population') if use_sklearn: self.sklearn_kde = True logdeps_normed = (logdeps - logdeps.mean())/logdeps.std() durs_normed = (durs - durs.mean())/durs.std() slopes_normed = (slopes - slopes.mean())/slopes.std() #TODO: use sklearn preprocessing to replace below self.mean_logdepth = logdeps.mean() self.std_logdepth = logdeps.std() self.mean_dur = durs.mean() self.std_dur = durs.std() self.mean_slope = slopes.mean() self.std_slope = slopes.std() points = np.array([logdeps_normed, durs_normed, slopes_normed]) #find best bandwidth. For some reason this doesn't work? if bandwidth is None: grid = GridSearchCV(KernelDensity(rtol=rtol), {'bandwidth':np.linspace(0.05,1,50)}) self._best_bandwidth = grid.best_params_ self.kde = grid.best_estimator_ else: self.kde = KernelDensity(rtol=rtol, bandwidth=bandwidth).fit(points) else: self.sklearn_kde = False points = np.array([durs, logdeps, slopes]) self.kde = gaussian_kde(np.vstack(points), **kwargs) #backward compatibility? # Reset covariance based on uncut data self.kde._data_covariance = cov_all self.kde._data_inv_cov = icov_all self.kde._compute_covariance() def _density(self, logd, dur, slope): """ Evaluate KDE at given points. Prepares data according to whether sklearn or scipy KDE in use. :param log, dur, slope: Trapezoidal shape parameters. """ if self.sklearn_kde: #TODO: fix preprocessing pts = np.array([(logd - self.mean_logdepth)/self.std_logdepth, (dur - self.mean_dur)/self.std_dur, (slope - self.mean_slope)/self.std_slope]) return self.kde.score_samples(pts) else: return self.kde(np.array([logd, dur, slope]))
[docs] def lhood(self, trsig, recalc=False, cachefile=None): """Returns likelihood of transit signal Returns sum of ``trsig`` MCMC samples evaluated at ``self.kde``. :param trsig: :class:`vespa.TransitSignal` object. :param recalc: (optional) Whether to recalculate likelihood (if calculation is cached). :param cachefile: (optional) File that holds likelihood calculation cache. """ if not hasattr(self,'kde'): self._make_kde() if cachefile is None: cachefile = self.lhoodcachefile if cachefile is None: cachefile = 'lhoodcache.dat' lhoodcache = _loadcache(cachefile) key = hashcombine(self, trsig) if key in lhoodcache and not recalc: return lhoodcache[key] if self.is_ruled_out: return 0 N = trsig.kde.dataset.shape[1] lh = self.kde(trsig.kde.dataset).sum() / N with open(cachefile, 'a') as fout: fout.write('%i %g\n' % (key, lh)) return lh
[docs] def lhoodplot(self, trsig=None, fig=None, piechart=True, figsize=None, logscale=True, constraints='all', suptitle=None, Ltot=None, maxdur=None, maxslope=None, inverse=False, colordict=None, cachefile=None, nbins=20, dur_range=None, slope_range=None, depth_range=None, recalc=False,**kwargs): """ Makes plot of likelihood density function, optionally with transit signal If ``trsig`` not passed, then just density plot of the likelidhoo will be made; if it is passed, then it will be plotted over the density plot. :param trsig: (optional) :class:`vespa.TransitSignal` object. :param fig: (optional) Argument for :func:`plotutils.setfig`. :param piechart: (optional) Whether to include a plot of the piechart that describes the effect of the constraints on the population. :param figsize: (optional) Passed to :func:`plotutils.setfig`. :param logscale: (optional) If ``True``, then shading will be based on the log-histogram (thus showing more detail at low density). Passed to :func:`vespa.stars.StarPopulation.prophist2d`. :param constraints: (``'all', 'none'`` or ``list``; optional) Which constraints to apply in making plot. Picking specific constraints allows you to visualize in more detail what the effect of a constraint is. :param suptitle: (optional) Title for the figure. :param Ltot: (optional) Total of ``prior * likelihood`` for all models. If this is passed, then "Probability of scenario" gets a text box in the middle. :param inverse: (optional) Intended to allow showing only the instances that are ruled out, rather than those that remain. Not sure if this works anymore. :param colordict: (optional) Dictionary to define colors of constraints to be used in pie chart. Intended to unify constraint colors among different models. :param cachefile: (optional) Likelihood calculation cache file. :param nbins: (optional) Number of bins with which to make the 2D histogram plot; passed to :func:`vespa.stars.StarPopulation.prophist2d`. :param dur_range, slope_range, depth_range: (optional) Define ranges of plots. :param **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments passed to :func:`vespa.stars.StarPopulation.prophist2d`. """ setfig(fig, figsize=figsize) if trsig is not None: dep,ddep = trsig.logdepthfit dur,ddur = trsig.durfit slope,dslope = trsig.slopefit ddep = ddep.reshape((2,1)) ddur = ddur.reshape((2,1)) dslope = dslope.reshape((2,1)) if dur_range is None: dur_range = (0,dur*2) if slope_range is None: slope_range = (2,slope*2) if constraints == 'all': mask = self.distok elif constraints == 'none': mask = np.ones(len(self.stars)).astype(bool) else: mask = np.ones(len(self.stars)).astype(bool) for c in constraints: if c not in self.distribution_skip: mask &= self.constraints[c].ok if inverse: mask = ~mask if dur_range is None: dur_range = (self.stars[mask]['duration'].min(), self.stars[mask]['duration'].max()) if slope_range is None: slope_range = (2,self.stars[mask]['slope'].max()) if depth_range is None: depth_range = (-5,-0.1) #This may mess with intended "inverse" behavior, probably? mask &= ((self.stars['duration'] > dur_range[0]) & (self.stars['duration'] < dur_range[1])) mask &= ((self.stars['duration'] > dur_range[0]) & (self.stars['duration'] < dur_range[1])) mask &= ((self.stars['slope'] > slope_range[0]) & (self.stars['slope'] < slope_range[1])) mask &= ((self.stars['slope'] > slope_range[0]) & (self.stars['slope'] < slope_range[1])) mask &= ((np.log10(self.depth) > depth_range[0]) & (np.log10(self.depth) < depth_range[1])) mask &= ((np.log10(self.depth) > depth_range[0]) & (np.log10(self.depth) < depth_range[1])) if piechart: a_pie = plt.axes([0.07, 0.5, 0.4, 0.5]) self.constraint_piechart(fig=0, colordict=colordict) ax1 = plt.subplot(222) if not self.is_ruled_out: self.prophist2d('duration', 'depth', logy=True, fig=0, mask=mask, interpolation='bicubic', logscale=logscale, nbins=nbins, **kwargs) if trsig is not None: plt.errorbar(dur,dep,xerr=ddur,yerr=ddep,color='w',marker='x', ms=12,mew=3,lw=3,capsize=3,mec='w') plt.errorbar(dur,dep,xerr=ddur,yerr=ddep,color='r',marker='x', ms=10,mew=1.5) plt.ylabel(r'log($\delta$)') plt.xlabel('') plt.xlim(dur_range) plt.ylim(depth_range) yt = ax1.get_yticks() plt.yticks(yt[1:]) xt = ax1.get_xticks() plt.xticks(xt[2:-1:2]) ax3 = plt.subplot(223) if not self.is_ruled_out: self.prophist2d('depth', 'slope', logx=True, fig=0, mask=mask, interpolation='bicubic', logscale=logscale, nbins=nbins, **kwargs) if trsig is not None: plt.errorbar(dep,slope,xerr=ddep,yerr=dslope,color='w',marker='x', ms=12,mew=3,lw=3,capsize=3,mec='w') plt.errorbar(dep,slope,xerr=ddep,yerr=dslope,color='r',marker='x', ms=10,mew=1.5) plt.ylabel(r'$T/\tau$') plt.xlabel(r'log($\delta$)') plt.ylim(slope_range) plt.xlim(depth_range) yt = ax3.get_yticks() plt.yticks(yt[1:]) ax4 = plt.subplot(224) if not self.is_ruled_out: self.prophist2d('duration', 'slope', fig=0, mask=mask, interpolation='bicubic', logscale=logscale, nbins=nbins, **kwargs) if trsig is not None: plt.errorbar(dur,slope,xerr=ddur,yerr=dslope,color='w',marker='x', ms=12,mew=3,lw=3,capsize=3,mec='w') plt.errorbar(dur,slope,xerr=ddur,yerr=dslope,color='r',marker='x', ms=10,mew=1.5) plt.ylabel('') plt.xlabel(r'$T$ [days]') plt.ylim(slope_range) plt.xlim(dur_range) plt.xticks(xt[2:-1:2]) plt.yticks(ax3.get_yticks()) ticklabels = ax1.get_xticklabels() + ax4.get_yticklabels() plt.setp(ticklabels,visible=False) plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.001,wspace=0.001) if suptitle is None: suptitle = self.model plt.suptitle(suptitle,fontsize=20) if Ltot is not None: lhood = self.lhood(trsig, recalc=recalc) plt.annotate('%s:\nProbability\nof scenario: %.3f' % (, self.prior*lhood/Ltot), xy=(0.5,0.5),ha='center',va='center', bbox=dict(boxstyle='round',fc='w'), xycoords='figure fraction',fontsize=15)
def eclipse_pars(self, i, secondary=False): s = self.stars.iloc[i] P = s['P'] #p0, b, aR = eclipse_pars(P, s['mass_1'], s['mass_2'], # s['radius_1'], s['radius_2'], # ecc=s['ecc'], inc=s['inc'], # w=s['w']) p0 = s['radius_2']/s['radius_1'] aR = semimajor(P, s['mass_1']+s['mass_2'])*AU/(s['radius_1']*RSUN) if secondary: mu1, mu2 = s[['u1_2', 'u2_2']] b = s['b_sec'] frac = s['fluxfrac_2'] else: mu1, mu2 = s[['u1_1', 'u2_1']] b = s['b_pri'] frac = s['fluxfrac_1'] return dict(P=P, p0=p0, b=b, aR=aR, frac=frac, u1=mu1, u2=mu2, ecc=s['ecc'], w=s['w']) def eclipse(self, i, secondary=False, **kwargs): pars = self.eclipse_pars(i, secondary=secondary) for k,v in pars.items(): kwargs[k] = v return eclipse(sec=secondary, **kwargs) def eclipse_trapfit(self, i, secondary=False, **kwargs): pars = self.eclipse_pars(i, secondary=secondary) for k,v in pars.items(): kwargs[k] = v kwargs['cadence'] = self.cadence return eclipse_tt(sec=secondary, **kwargs)
[docs] def eclipse_new(self, i, secondary=False, npoints=200, width=3, texp=None): """ Returns times and fluxes of eclipse i (centered at t=0) """ texp = self.cadence s = self.stars.iloc[i] e = s['ecc'] P = s['P'] if secondary: mu1, mu2 = s[['u1_2', 'u2_2']] w = np.mod(np.deg2rad(s['w']) + np.pi, 2*np.pi) mass_central, radius_central = s[['mass_2','radius_2']] mass_body, radius_body = s[['mass_1','radius_1']] b = s['b_sec'] * s['radius_1']/s['radius_2'] frac = s['fluxfrac_2'] else: mu1, mu2 = s[['u1_1', 'u2_1']] w = np.deg2rad(s['w']) mass_central, radius_central = s[['mass_1','radius_1']] mass_body, radius_body = s[['mass_2','radius_2']] b = s['b_pri'] frac = s['fluxfrac_1'] central_kwargs = dict(mass=mass_central, radius=radius_central, mu1=mu1, mu2=mu2) central = Central(**central_kwargs) body_kwargs = dict(radius=radius_body, mass=mass_body, b=b, period=P, e=e, omega=w) body = Body(**body_kwargs) logging.debug('central: {}'.format(central_kwargs)) logging.debug('body: {}'.format(body_kwargs)) s = System(central) s.add_body(body) # As of now, body.duration returns strictly circular duration dur = body.duration logging.debug('duration: {}'.format(dur)) ts = np.linspace(-width/2*dur, width/2*dur, npoints) fs = s.light_curve(ts, texp=texp) fs = 1 - frac*(1-fs) return ts, fs
@property def _properties(self): return ['period','model','priorfactors','prob','lhoodcachefile', 'is_specific', 'cadence'] + \ super(EclipsePopulation,self)._properties
[docs] @classmethod def load_hdf(cls, filename, path=''): #perhaps this doesn't need to be written? """ Loads EclipsePopulation from HDF file Also runs :func:`EclipsePopulation._make_kde` if it can. :param filename: HDF file :param path: (optional) Path within HDF file """ new = StarPopulation.load_hdf(filename, path=path) #setup lazy loading of starmodel if present try: with pd.HDFStore(filename) as store: if '{}/starmodel'.format(path) in store: new._starmodel = None new._starmodel_file = filename new._starmodel_path = '{}/starmodel'.format(path) except: pass try: new._make_kde() except NoTrapfitError: logging.warning('Trapezoid fit not done.') return new
@property def starmodel(self): if not hasattr(self, '_starmodel'): raise AttributeError('{} does not have starmodel.'.format(self)) if (hasattr(self, '_starmodel_file') and hasattr(self, '_starmodel_path')): self._starmodel = StarModel.load_hdf(self._starmodel_file, path=self._starmodel_path) return self._starmodel
[docs] def resample(self): """ Returns a copy of population with stars resampled (with replacement). Used in bootstrap estimate of FPP uncertainty. TODO: check to make sure constraints properly copied! """ new = copy.deepcopy(self) N = len(new.stars) inds = np.random.randint(N, size=N) # Resample stars new.stars = new.stars.iloc[inds].reset_index() # Resample constraints if hasattr(new, '_constraints'): for c in new._constraints: new._constraints[c] = new._constraints[c].resample(inds) new._make_kde() return new
class EclipsePopulation_Px2(EclipsePopulation): def apply_secthresh(self, *args, **kwargs): logging.warning('Secondary depth cut should not be used on a double-period scenario!') @property def depth_difference(self): return np.absolute(self.depth - self.secondary_depth) def constrain_oddeven(self, diff): self.apply_constraint(UpperLimit(self.depth_difference, diff, name='odd-even'))
[docs]class PlanetPopulation(EclipsePopulation): """Population of Transiting Planets Subclass of :class:`EclipsePopulation`. This is mostly a copy of :class:`EBPopulation`, with small modifications. Star properties may be defined either with either a :class:`isochrones.StarModel` or by defining just its ``mass`` and ``radius`` (and ``Teff`` and ``logg`` if desired to set limb darkening coefficients appropriately). :param period: Period of signal. :param rprs: Point-estimate of Rp/Rs radius ratio. :param mass, radius: (optional) Mass and radius of host star. If defined, must be either tuples of form ``(value, error)`` or :class:`simpledist.Distribution` objects. :param Teff, logg: (optional) Teff and logg point estimates for host star. These are used only for calculating limb darkening coefficients. :param starmodel: (optional) The preferred way to define the properties of the host star. If MCMC has been run on this model, then samples are just read off; if it hasn't, then it will run it. :type starmodel: :class:`isochrones.StarModel` :param band: (optional) Photometric band in which eclipse is detected. :param model: (optional) Name of the model. :param n: (optional) Number of instances to simulate. Default = ``2e4``. :param fp_specific: (optional) "Specific occurrence rate" for this type of planets; that is, the planet occurrence rate integrated from ``(1-rbin_width)x`` to ``(1+rbin_width)x`` this planet radius. This goes into the ``priorfactor`` for this model. :param u1, u2: (optional) Limb darkening parameters. If not provided, then calculated based on ``Teff, logg`` or just defaulted to solar values. :param rbin_width: (optional) Fractional width of rbin for ``fp_specific``. :param MAfn: (optional) :class:`transit_basic.MAInterpolationFunction` object. If not passed, then one with default parameters will be created. :param lhoodcachefile: (optional) Likelihood calculation cache file. """ def __init__(self, period=None, cadence=1626./86400, #Kepler observing cadence, in days rprs=None, mass=None, radius=None, Teff=None, logg=None, starmodel=None, band='Kepler', model='Planets', n=2e4, fp_specific=None, u1=None, u2=None, rbin_width=0.3, MAfn=None, lhoodcachefile=None): self.period = period self.cadence = cadence self.n = n self.model = model = band self.rprs = rprs self.Teff = Teff self.logg = logg self._starmodel = starmodel if radius is not None and mass is not None or starmodel is not None: # calculates eclipses logging.debug('generating planet population...') self.generate(rprs=rprs, mass=mass, radius=radius, n=n, fp_specific=fp_specific, starmodel=starmodel, rbin_width=rbin_width, u1=u1, u2=u2, Teff=Teff, logg=logg, MAfn=MAfn,lhoodcachefile=lhoodcachefile)
[docs] def generate(self,rprs=None, mass=None, radius=None, n=2e4, fp_specific=0.01, u1=None, u2=None, starmodel=None, Teff=None, logg=None, rbin_width=0.3, MAfn=None, lhoodcachefile=None): """Generates Population All arguments defined in ``__init__``. """ n = int(n) if starmodel is None: if type(mass) is type((1,)): mass = dists.Gaussian_Distribution(*mass) if isinstance(mass, dists.Distribution): mdist = mass mass = mdist.rvs(1e5) if type(radius) is type((1,)): radius = dists.Gaussian_Distribution(*radius) if isinstance(radius, dists.Distribution): rdist = radius radius = rdist.rvs(1e5) else: samples = starmodel.random_samples(1e5) mass = samples['mass_0_0'].values radius = samples['radius_0_0'].values Teff = samples['Teff_0_0'].mean() logg = samples['logg_0_0'].mean() logging.debug('star mass: {}'.format(mass)) logging.debug('star radius: {}'.format(radius)) logging.debug('Teff: {}'.format(Teff)) logging.debug('logg: {}'.format(logg)) if u1 is None or u2 is None: if Teff is None or logg is None: logging.warning('Teff, logg not provided; using solar limb darkening') u1 = 0.394; u2=0.296 else: u1,u2 = ldcoeffs(Teff, logg) #use point estimate of rprs to construct planets in radius bin #rp = self.rprs*np.median(radius) #rbin_min = (1-rbin_width)*rp #rbin_max = (1+rbin_width)*rp rprs_bin_min = (1-rbin_width)*self.rprs rprs_bin_max = (1+rbin_width)*self.rprs radius_p = radius * (np.random.random(int(1e5))*(rprs_bin_max - rprs_bin_min) + rprs_bin_min) mass_p = (radius_p*RSUN/REARTH)**2.06 * MEARTH/MSUN #hokey, but doesn't matter logging.debug('planet radius: {}'.format(radius_p)) stars = pd.DataFrame() #df_orbpop = pd.DataFrame() #for orbit population tot_prob = None; tot_dprob = None; prob_norm = None n_adapt = n while len(stars) < n: n_adapt = int(n_adapt) inds = np.random.randint(len(mass), size=n_adapt) #calculate eclipses. ecl_inds, df, (prob,dprob) = calculate_eclipses(mass[inds], mass_p[inds], radius[inds], radius_p[inds], 15, np.inf, #arbitrary u11s=u1, u21s=u2,, period=self.period, calc_mininc=True, return_indices=True, MAfn=MAfn) df['mass_A'] = mass[inds][ecl_inds] df['mass_B'] = mass_p[inds][ecl_inds] df['radius_A'] = radius[inds][ecl_inds] df['radius_B'] = radius_p[inds][ecl_inds] df['u1'] = u1 * np.ones_like(df['mass_A']) df['u2'] = u2 * np.ones_like(df['mass_A']) df['P'] = self.period * np.ones_like(df['mass_A']) ok = (df['dpri']>0) & (df['T14_pri'] > 0) stars = pd.concat((stars, df[ok]))'{} Transiting planet systems generated (target {})'.format(len(stars),n)) logging.debug('{} nans in stars[dpri]'.format(np.isnan(stars['dpri']).sum())) if tot_prob is None: prob_norm = (1/dprob**2) tot_prob = prob tot_dprob = dprob else: prob_norm = (1/tot_dprob**2 + 1/dprob**2) tot_prob = (tot_prob/tot_dprob**2 + prob/dprob**2)/prob_norm tot_dprob = 1/np.sqrt(prob_norm) n_adapt = min(int(1.2*(n-len(stars)) * n_adapt//len(df)), 5e4) n_adapt = max(n_adapt, 100) stars = stars.reset_index() stars.drop('index', axis=1, inplace=True) stars = stars.iloc[:n] stars['mass_1'] = stars['mass_A'] stars['radius_1'] = stars['radius_A'] stars['mass_2'] = stars['mass_B'] stars['radius_2'] = stars['radius_B'] #make OrbitPopulation? #finish below. if fp_specific is None: rp = stars['radius_2'].mean() * RSUN/REARTH fp_specific = fp_fressin(rp) priorfactors = {'fp_specific':fp_specific} self._starmodel = starmodel EclipsePopulation.__init__(self, stars=stars, period=self.period, cadence=self.cadence, model=self.model, priorfactors=priorfactors, prob=tot_prob, lhoodcachefile=lhoodcachefile)
@property def _properties(self): return ['rprs', 'Teff', 'logg'] + \ super(PlanetPopulation, self)._properties
[docs] def save_hdf(self, filename, path='', **kwargs): super(PlanetPopulation, self).save_hdf(filename, path=path, **kwargs) self.starmodel.save_hdf(filename, path='{}/starmodel'.format(path), append=True)
#@classmethod #def load_hdf(cls, filename, path=''): # pop = super(PlanetPopulation, cls).load_hdf(filename, path=path) # pop.starmodel = StarModel.load_hdf(filename, # path='{}/starmodel'.format(path)) # return pop
[docs]class EBPopulation(EclipsePopulation, Observed_BinaryPopulation): """Population of Eclipsing Binaries (undiluted) Eclipsing Binary (EB) population is generated by fitting a two-star model to the observed properties of the system (photometric and/or spectroscopic), using :class:`isochrones.starmodel.BinaryStarModel`. Inherits from :class:`EclipsePopulation` and :class:`stars.Observed_BinaryPopulation`. :param period: Orbital period :param mags: Observed apparent magnitudes. Won't work if this is ``None``, which is the default. :type mags: ``dict`` :param Teff,logg,feh: Spectroscopic properties of primary, if measured, in ``(value, err)`` format. :param starmodel: (optional) Must be a BinaryStarModel. If MCMC has been run on this model, then samples are just read off; if it hasn't, then it will run it. :type starmodel: :class:`isochrones.BinaryStarModel` :param band: (optional) Photometric bandpass in which transit signal is observed. :param model: (optional) Name of model. :param f_binary: (optional) Binary fraction to be assumed. Will be one of the ``priorfactors``. :param n: (optional) Number of instances to simulate. Default = 2e4. :param MAfn: (optional) :class:`transit_basic.MAInterpolationFunction` object. If not passed, then one with default parameters will be created. :param lhoodcachefile: (optional) Likelihood calculation cache file. """ def __init__(self, period=None, cadence=1626./86400, #Kepler observing cadence, in days mags=None, mag_errs=None, Teff=None, logg=None, feh=None, starmodel=None, band='Kepler', model='EBs', f_binary=0.4, n=2e4, MAfn=None, lhoodcachefile=None, **kwargs): self.period = period self.cadence = cadence self.n = n self.model = model = band self.lhoodcachefile = lhoodcachefile if mags is not None or starmodel is not None: self.generate(mags=mags, n=n, MAfn=MAfn, mag_errs=mag_errs, f_binary=f_binary, starmodel=starmodel, **kwargs)
[docs] def generate(self, mags, n=2e4, mag_errs=None, Teff=None, logg=None, feh=None, MAfn=None, f_binary=0.4, starmodel=None, **kwargs): """Generates stars and eclipses All arguments previously defined. """ n = int(n) #create master population from which to create eclipses pop = Observed_BinaryPopulation(mags=mags, mag_errs=mag_errs, Teff=Teff, logg=logg, feh=feh, starmodel=starmodel, period=self.period, n=2*n) all_stars = pop.stars #start with empty; will concatenate onto stars = pd.DataFrame() df_orbpop = pd.DataFrame() #calculate eclipses if MAfn is None: MAfn = MAInterpolationFunction(pmin=0.007, pmax=1/0.007, nzs=200, nps=400) tot_prob = None; tot_dprob = None; prob_norm = None n_adapt = n while len(stars) < n: n_adapt = int(n_adapt) inds = np.random.randint(len(all_stars), size=n_adapt) s = all_stars.iloc[inds] #calculate limb-darkening coefficients u1A, u2A = ldcoeffs(s['Teff_A'], s['logg_A']) u1B, u2B = ldcoeffs(s['Teff_B'], s['logg_B']) cur_orbpop_df = pop.orbpop.dataframe.iloc[inds].copy() #calculate eclipses. inds, df, (prob,dprob) = calculate_eclipses(s['mass_A'], s['mass_B'], s['radius_A'], s['radius_B'], s['{}_mag_A'.format(], s['{}_mag_B'.format(], u11s=u1A, u21s=u2A, u12s=u1B, u22s=u2B,, period=self.period, calc_mininc=True, return_indices=True, MAfn=MAfn) s = s.iloc[inds].copy() s.reset_index(inplace=True) for col in df.columns: s[col] = df[col] stars = pd.concat((stars, s)) new_df_orbpop = cur_orbpop_df.iloc[inds].copy() new_df_orbpop.reset_index(inplace=True) df_orbpop = pd.concat((df_orbpop, new_df_orbpop))'{} Eclipsing EB systems generated (target {})'.format(len(stars),n)) logging.debug('{} nans in stars[dpri]'.format(np.isnan(stars['dpri']).sum())) logging.debug('{} nans in df[dpri]'.format(np.isnan(df['dpri']).sum())) if tot_prob is None: prob_norm = (1/dprob**2) tot_prob = prob tot_dprob = dprob else: prob_norm = (1/tot_dprob**2 + 1/dprob**2) tot_prob = (tot_prob/tot_dprob**2 + prob/dprob**2)/prob_norm tot_dprob = 1/np.sqrt(prob_norm) n_adapt = min(int(1.2*(n-len(stars)) * n_adapt//len(s)), 5e4) n_adapt = max(n_adapt, 100) stars = stars.iloc[:n] df_orbpop = df_orbpop.iloc[:n] orbpop = OrbitPopulation.from_df(df_orbpop) stars = stars.reset_index() stars.drop('index', axis=1, inplace=True) stars['mass_1'] = stars['mass_A'] stars['radius_1'] = stars['radius_A'] stars['mass_2'] = stars['mass_B'] stars['radius_2'] = stars['radius_B'] ## Why does this make it go on infinite loop?? #Observed_BinaryPopulation.__init__(self, stars=stars, orbpop=orbpop, # mags=mags, mag_errs=mag_errs, # Teff=Teff, logg=logg, feh=feh, # starmodel=starmodel) ########### self.mags = mags self.mag_errs = mag_errs self.Teff = Teff self.logg = logg self.feh = feh self._starmodel = pop.starmodel priorfactors = {'f_binary':f_binary} EclipsePopulation.__init__(self, stars=stars, orbpop=orbpop, period=self.period, cadence=self.cadence, model=self.model, priorfactors=priorfactors, prob=tot_prob, lhoodcachefile=self.lhoodcachefile)
class EBPopulation_Px2(EclipsePopulation_Px2, EBPopulation): def __init__(self, period=None, model='EBs (Double Period)', **kwargs): try: period *= 2 except: pass EBPopulation.__init__(self, period=period, model=model, **kwargs)
[docs]class HEBPopulation(EclipsePopulation, Observed_TriplePopulation): """Population of Hierarchical Eclipsing Binaries Hierarchical Eclipsing Binary (HEB) population is generated by fitting a two-star model to the observed properties of the system (photometric and/or spectroscopic), using :class:`isochrones.starmodel.BinaryStarModel`. by Inherits from :class:`EclipsePopulation` and :class:`stars.Observed_TriplePopulation`. :param period: Orbital period :param mags,mag_errs: Observed apparent magnitudes; uncertainties optional. If uncertainties not provided, :class:`Observed_TriplePopulation` will default to uncertainties in all bands of 0.05 mag. :type mags: ``dict`` :param Teff,logg,feh: Spectroscopic properties of primary, if measured, in ``(value, err)`` format. :param starmodel: (optional) Must be a BinaryStarModel. If MCMC has been run on this model, then samples are just read off; if it hasn't, then it will run it. :type starmodel: :class:`isochrones.BinaryStarModel` :param band: (optional) Photometric bandpass in which transit signal is observed. :param model: (optional) Name of model. :param f_binary: (optional) Binary fraction to be assumed. Will be one of the ``priorfactors``. :param n: (optional) Number of instances to simulate. Default = 2e4. :param MAfn: (optional) :class:`transit_basic.MAInterpolationFunction` object. If not passed, then one with default parameters will be created. :param lhoodcachefile: (optional) Likelihood calculation cache file. """ def __init__(self, period=None, cadence=1626./86400, #Kepler observing cadence, in days mags=None, mag_errs=None, Teff=None, logg=None, feh=None, starmodel=None, band='Kepler', model='HEBs', f_triple=0.12, n=2e4, MAfn=None, lhoodcachefile=None, **kwargs): self.period = period self.cadence = cadence self.n = n self.model = model = band self.lhoodcachefile = lhoodcachefile if mags is not None or starmodel is not None: self.generate(mags=mags, n=n, MAfn=MAfn, mag_errs=mag_errs, f_triple=f_triple, starmodel=starmodel, **kwargs)
[docs] def generate(self, mags, n=2e4, mag_errs=None, Teff=None, logg=None, feh=None, MAfn=None, f_triple=0.12, starmodel=None, **kwargs): """Generates stars and eclipses All arguments previously defined. """ n = int(n) #create master population from which to create eclipses pop = Observed_TriplePopulation(mags=mags, mag_errs=mag_errs, Teff=Teff, logg=logg, feh=feh, starmodel=starmodel, period=self.period, n=2*n) all_stars = pop.stars #start with empty; will concatenate onto stars = pd.DataFrame() df_orbpop_short = pd.DataFrame() df_orbpop_long = pd.DataFrame() #calculate eclipses if MAfn is None: MAfn = MAInterpolationFunction(pmin=0.007, pmax=1/0.007, nzs=200, nps=400) tot_prob = None; tot_dprob = None; prob_norm = None n_adapt = n while len(stars) < n: n_adapt = int(n_adapt) inds = np.random.randint(len(all_stars), size=n_adapt) s = all_stars.iloc[inds] #calculate limb-darkening coefficients u1A, u2A = ldcoeffs(s['Teff_A'], s['logg_A']) u1B, u2B = ldcoeffs(s['Teff_B'], s['logg_B']) u1C, u2C = ldcoeffs(s['Teff_C'], s['logg_C']) cur_orbpop_short_df = pop.orbpop.orbpop_short.dataframe.iloc[inds].copy() cur_orbpop_long_df = pop.orbpop.orbpop_long.dataframe.iloc[inds].copy() #calculate eclipses. inds, df, (prob,dprob) = calculate_eclipses(s['mass_B'], s['mass_C'], s['radius_B'], s['radius_C'], s['{}_mag_B'.format(], s['{}_mag_C'.format(], u11s=u1A, u21s=u2A, u12s=u1B, u22s=u2B,, period=self.period, calc_mininc=True, return_indices=True, MAfn=MAfn) s = s.iloc[inds].copy() s.reset_index(inplace=True) for col in df.columns: s[col] = df[col] stars = pd.concat((stars, s)) new_df_orbpop_short = cur_orbpop_short_df.iloc[inds].copy() new_df_orbpop_short.reset_index(inplace=True) new_df_orbpop_long = cur_orbpop_long_df.iloc[inds].copy() new_df_orbpop_long.reset_index(inplace=True) df_orbpop_short = pd.concat((df_orbpop_short, new_df_orbpop_short)) df_orbpop_long = pd.concat((df_orbpop_long, new_df_orbpop_long))'{} eclipsing HEB systems generated (target {})'.format(len(stars),n)) logging.debug('{} nans in stars[dpri]'.format(np.isnan(stars['dpri']).sum())) logging.debug('{} nans in df[dpri]'.format(np.isnan(df['dpri']).sum())) if tot_prob is None: prob_norm = (1/dprob**2) tot_prob = prob tot_dprob = dprob else: prob_norm = (1/tot_dprob**2 + 1/dprob**2) tot_prob = (tot_prob/tot_dprob**2 + prob/dprob**2)/prob_norm tot_dprob = 1/np.sqrt(prob_norm) n_adapt = min(int(1.2*(n-len(stars)) * n_adapt//len(s)), 5e4) n_adapt = max(n_adapt, 100) stars = stars.iloc[:n] df_orbpop_short = df_orbpop_short.iloc[:n] df_orbpop_long = df_orbpop_long.iloc[:n] orbpop = TripleOrbitPopulation.from_df(df_orbpop_long, df_orbpop_short) stars = stars.reset_index() stars.drop('index', axis=1, inplace=True) stars['mass_1'] = stars['mass_B'] stars['radius_1'] = stars['radius_B'] stars['mass_2'] = stars['mass_C'] stars['radius_2'] = stars['radius_C'] ## Why does this make it go on infinite loop?? #Observed_TriplePopulation.__init__(self, stars=stars, orbpop=orbpop, # mags=mags, mag_errs=mag_errs, # Teff=Teff, logg=logg, feh=feh, # starmodel=starmodel) ############# self.mags = mags self.mag_errs = mag_errs self.Teff = Teff self.logg = logg self.feh = feh self._starmodel = pop.starmodel priorfactors = {'f_triple':f_triple} EclipsePopulation.__init__(self, stars=stars, orbpop=orbpop, period=self.period, cadence=self.cadence, model=self.model, priorfactors=priorfactors, prob=tot_prob, lhoodcachefile=self.lhoodcachefile)
class HEBPopulation_Px2(EclipsePopulation_Px2, HEBPopulation): def __init__(self, period=None, model='HEBs (Double Period)', **kwargs): try: period *= 2 except TypeError: pass HEBPopulation.__init__(self, period=period, model=model, **kwargs)
[docs]class BEBPopulation(EclipsePopulation, MultipleStarPopulation, BGStarPopulation): """ Population of "Background" eclipsing binaries (BEBs) :param period: Orbital period. :param mags: Observed apparent magnitudes of target (foreground) star. Must have at least magnitude in band that eclipse is measured in (``band`` argument). :type mags: ``dict`` :param ra,dec: (optional) Coordinates of star (to simulate field star population). If ``trilegal_filename`` not provided, then TRILEGAL simulation will be generated. :param trilegal_filename: Name of file that contains TRILEGAL field star simulation to use. Should always be provided if population is to be generated. If file does not exist, then TRILEGAL simulation will be saved as this filename (use .h5 extension). :param n: (optional) Size of simulation. Default is 2e4. :param ichrone: (optional) :class:`isochrones.Isochrone` object to use to generate stellar models. :param band: (optional) Photometric bandpass in which eclipse signal is observed. :param maxrad: (optional) Maximum radius [arcsec] from target star to assign to BG stars. :param f_binary: (optional) Assumed binary fraction. Will be part of ``priorfactors``. :param model: (optional) Model name. :param MAfn: (optional) :class:`transit_basic.MAInterpolationFunction` object. If not passed, then one with default parameters will be created. :param lhoodcachefile: (optional) Likelihood calculation cache file. :param **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments passed to :class:`stars.BGStarPopulation_TRILEGAL`. """ def __init__(self, period=None, cadence=1626./86400, #Kepler observing cadence, in days mags=None, ra=None, dec=None, trilegal_filename=None, n=2e4, ichrone='mist', band='Kepler', maxrad=10, f_binary=0.4, model='BEBs', MAfn=None, lhoodcachefile=None, **kwargs): self.period = period self.cadence = cadence self.n = n self.model = model = band self.lhoodcachefile = lhoodcachefile self.mags = mags if trilegal_filename is not None or (ra is not None and dec is not None): if not in self.mags: raise ValueError('{} band must be in mags.'.format( self.generate(trilegal_filename, ra=ra, dec=dec, mags=mags, n=n, ichrone=ichrone, MAfn=MAfn, maxrad=maxrad, f_binary=f_binary, **kwargs) @property def prior(self): return (super(BEBPopulation, self).prior *'arcsec^-2').value * #sky density np.pi*('arcsec').value)**2) # sky area @property def dilution_factor(self): if self.mags is None: return super(BEBPopulation, self).dilution_factor else: b = return fluxfrac(self.stars['{}_mag'.format(b)], self.mags[b])
[docs] def generate(self, trilegal_filename, ra=None, dec=None, n=2e4, ichrone='mist', MAfn=None, mags=None, maxrad=None, f_binary=0.4, **kwargs): """ Generate population. """ n = int(n) #generate/load BG primary stars from TRILEGAL simulation bgpop = BGStarPopulation_TRILEGAL(trilegal_filename, ra=ra, dec=dec, mags=mags, maxrad=maxrad, **kwargs) # Make sure that # properties of stars are within allowable range for isochrone. # This is a bit hacky, admitted. mass = bgpop.stars['m_ini'].values age = bgpop.stars['logAge'].values feh = bgpop.stars['[M/H]'].values ichrone = get_ichrone(ichrone) pct = 0.05 #pct distance from "edges" of ichrone interpolation mass[mass < ichrone.minmass*(1+pct)] = ichrone.minmass*(1+pct) mass[mass > ichrone.maxmass*(1-pct)] = ichrone.maxmass*(1-pct) age[age < ichrone.minage*(1+pct)] = ichrone.minage*(1+pct) age[age > ichrone.maxage*(1-pct)] = ichrone.maxage*(1-pct) feh[feh < ichrone.minfeh+0.05] = ichrone.minfeh+0.05 feh[feh > ichrone.maxfeh-0.05] = ichrone.maxfeh-0.05 distance = bgpop.stars['distance'].values #Generate binary population to draw eclipses from pop = MultipleStarPopulation(mA=mass, age=age, feh=feh, f_triple=0, f_binary=1, distance=distance, ichrone=ichrone) all_stars = pop.stars.dropna(subset=['mass_A']) all_stars.reset_index(inplace=True) #generate eclipses stars = pd.DataFrame() df_orbpop = pd.DataFrame() tot_prob = None; tot_dprob=None; prob_norm=None n_adapt = n while len(stars) < n: n_adapt = int(n_adapt) inds = np.random.randint(len(all_stars), size=n_adapt) s = all_stars.iloc[inds] #calculate limb-darkening coefficients u1A, u2A = ldcoeffs(s['Teff_A'], s['logg_A']) u1B, u2B = ldcoeffs(s['Teff_B'], s['logg_B']) inds, df, (prob,dprob) = calculate_eclipses(s['mass_A'], s['mass_B'], s['radius_A'], s['radius_B'], s['{}_mag_A'.format(], s['{}_mag_B'.format(], u11s=u1A, u21s=u2A, u12s=u1B, u22s=u2B,, period=self.period, calc_mininc=True, return_indices=True, MAfn=MAfn) s = s.iloc[inds].copy() s.reset_index(inplace=True) for col in df.columns: s[col] = df[col] stars = pd.concat((stars, s)) #new_df_orbpop = pop.orbpop.orbpop_long.dataframe.iloc[inds].copy() #new_df_orbpop.reset_index(inplace=True) #df_orbpop = pd.concat((df_orbpop, new_df_orbpop))'{} BEB systems generated (target {})'.format(len(stars),n)) #logging.debug('{} nans in stars[dpri]'.format(np.isnan(stars['dpri']).sum())) #logging.debug('{} nans in df[dpri]'.format(np.isnan(df['dpri']).sum())) if tot_prob is None: prob_norm = (1/dprob**2) tot_prob = prob tot_dprob = dprob else: prob_norm = (1/tot_dprob**2 + 1/dprob**2) tot_prob = (tot_prob/tot_dprob**2 + prob/dprob**2)/prob_norm tot_dprob = 1/np.sqrt(prob_norm) n_adapt = min(int(1.2*(n-len(stars)) * n_adapt//len(s)), 5e5) #logging.debug('n_adapt = {}'.format(n_adapt)) n_adapt = max(n_adapt, 100) n_adapt = int(n_adapt) stars = stars.iloc[:n] if 'level_0' in stars: stars.drop('level_0', axis=1, inplace=True) #dunno where this came from stars = stars.reset_index() stars.drop('index', axis=1, inplace=True) stars['mass_1'] = stars['mass_A'] stars['radius_1'] = stars['radius_A'] stars['mass_2'] = stars['mass_B'] stars['radius_2'] = stars['radius_B'] MultipleStarPopulation.__init__(self, stars=stars, #orbpop=orbpop, f_triple=0, f_binary=f_binary, period_long=self.period) priorfactors = {'f_binary':f_binary} #attributes needed for BGStarPopulation self.density = bgpop.density self.trilegal_args = bgpop.trilegal_args self._maxrad = bgpop._maxrad #create an OrbitPopulation here? EclipsePopulation.__init__(self, stars=stars, #orbpop=orbpop, period=self.period, cadence=self.cadence, model=self.model, lhoodcachefile=self.lhoodcachefile, priorfactors=priorfactors, prob=tot_prob) #add Rsky property self.stars['Rsky'] = randpos_in_circle(len(self.stars), self._maxrad, return_rad=True)
@property def _properties(self): return ['density','trilegal_args','mags'] + \ super(BEBPopulation, self)._properties
class BEBPopulation_Px2(EclipsePopulation_Px2, BEBPopulation): def __init__(self, period=None, model='BEBs (Double Period)', **kwargs): try: period *= 2 except TypeError: pass BEBPopulation.__init__(self, period=period, model=model, **kwargs)
[docs]class PopulationSet(object): """ A set of EclipsePopulations used to calculate a transit signal FPP This can be initialized with a list of :class:`EclipsePopulation` objects that have been pre-generated, or it can be passed the arguments required to generate the default list of :class:`EclipsePopulation`s. :param poplist: Can be either a list of :class:`EclipsePopulation` objects, a filename (in which case a saved :class:`PopulationSet` will be loaded), or ``None``, in which case the populations will be generated. :param period: Orbital period of signal. :param mags: Observed magnitudes of target star. :type mags: ``dict`` :param n: Size of simulations. Default is 2e4. :param ra, dec: (optional) Target star position; passed to :class:`BEBPopulation`. :param trilegal_filename: Passed to :class:`BEBPopulation`. :param mass, age, feh, radius: (optional) Properties of target star. Either in ``(value, error)`` form or as :class:`simpledist.Distribution` objects. Not necessary if ``starmodel`` is passed. :param starmodel: (optional) The preferred way to define the properties of the host star. If MCMC has been run on this model, then samples are just read off; if it hasn't, then it will run it. :type starmodel: :class:`isochrones.StarModel` :param rprs: R_planet/R_star. Single-value estimate. :param MAfn: (optional) :class:`transit_basic.MAInterpolationFunction` object. If not passed, then one with default parameters will be created. :param colors: (optional) Colors to use to constrain multiple star populations; passed to :class:`EBPopulation` and :class:`HEBPopulation`. Default will be ['JK', 'HK'] :param Teff, logg: (optional) If ``starmodel`` not provided, then these can be used (single values only) in order for :class:`PlanetPopulation` to use the right limb darkening parameters. :param savefile: (optional) HDF file in which to save :class:`PopulationSet`. :param heb_kws, eb_kws, beb_kws, pl_kws: (optional) Keyword arguments to pass on to respective :class:`EclipsePopulation` constructors. :param hide_exceptions: (optional) If ``True``, then exceptions generated during population simulations will be passed, not raised. :param fit_trap: (optional) If ``True``, then population generation will also call :func:`EclipsePopulation.fit_trapezoids` for each model population. :param do_only: (optional) Can be defined in order to make only a subset of populations. List or tuple should contain modelname shortcuts (e.g., 'beb', 'heb', 'eb', or 'pl'). """ def __init__(self, poplist=None, period=None, cadence=1626./86400, #Kepler observing cadence, in days mags=None, n=2e4, ra=None, dec=None, trilegal_filename=None, Teff=None, logg=None, feh=None, starmodel=None, binary_starmodel=None, triple_starmodel=None, rprs=None, MAfn=None, savefile=None, heb_kws=None, eb_kws=None, beb_kws=None, pl_kws=None, hide_exceptions=False, fit_trap=True, do_only=None): #if string is passed, load from file if poplist is None: self.generate(ra, dec, period, cadence, mags, n=n, MAfn=MAfn, trilegal_filename=trilegal_filename, Teff=Teff, logg=logg, feh=feh, rprs=rprs, savefile=savefile, starmodel=starmodel, binary_starmodel=binary_starmodel, triple_starmodel=triple_starmodel, heb_kws=heb_kws, eb_kws=eb_kws, beb_kws=beb_kws, pl_kws=pl_kws, hide_exceptions=hide_exceptions, fit_trap=fit_trap, do_only=do_only) elif type(poplist)==type(''): self = PopulationSet.load_hdf(poplist) else: self.poplist = poplist
[docs] def generate(self, ra, dec, period, cadence, mags, n=2e4, Teff=None, logg=None, feh=None, MAfn=None, rprs=None, trilegal_filename=None, starmodel=None, binary_starmodel=None, triple_starmodel=None, heb_kws=None, eb_kws=None, beb_kws=None, pl_kws=None, savefile=None, hide_exceptions=False, fit_trap=True, do_only=None): """ Generates PopulationSet. """ do_all = False if do_only is None: do_all = True do_only = DEFAULT_MODELS if MAfn is None: MAfn = MAInterpolationFunction(pmin=0.007, pmax=1/0.007, nzs=200, nps=400) if beb_kws is None: beb_kws = {} if heb_kws is None: heb_kws = {} if eb_kws is None: eb_kws = {} if pl_kws is None: pl_kws = {} if 'heb' in do_only: try: hebpop = HEBPopulation(mags=mags, Teff=Teff, logg=logg, feh=feh, period=period, cadence=cadence, starmodel=triple_starmodel, starfield=trilegal_filename, MAfn=MAfn, n=n, **heb_kws) if fit_trap: hebpop.fit_trapezoids(MAfn=MAfn) if savefile is not None: if do_all: hebpop.save_hdf(savefile, 'heb', overwrite=True) else: hebpop.save_hdf(savefile, 'heb', append=True) except: logging.error('Error generating HEB population.') if not hide_exceptions: raise if 'heb_Px2' in do_only: try: hebpop_Px2 = HEBPopulation_Px2(mags=mags, Teff=Teff, logg=logg, feh=feh, period=period, cadence=cadence, starmodel=triple_starmodel, starfield=trilegal_filename, MAfn=MAfn, n=n, **heb_kws) if fit_trap: hebpop_Px2.fit_trapezoids(MAfn=MAfn) if savefile is not None: if do_all: hebpop_Px2.save_hdf(savefile, 'heb_Px2', overwrite=True) else: hebpop_Px2.save_hdf(savefile, 'heb_Px2', append=True) except: logging.error('Error generating HEB_Px2 population.') if not hide_exceptions: raise if 'eb' in do_only: try: ebpop = EBPopulation(mags=mags, Teff=Teff, logg=logg, feh=feh, period=period, cadence=cadence, starmodel=binary_starmodel, starfield=trilegal_filename, MAfn=MAfn, n=n, **eb_kws) if fit_trap: ebpop.fit_trapezoids(MAfn=MAfn) if savefile is not None: ebpop.save_hdf(savefile, 'eb', append=True) except: logging.error('Error generating EB population.') if not hide_exceptions: raise if 'eb_Px2' in do_only: try: ebpop_Px2 = EBPopulation_Px2(mags=mags, Teff=Teff, logg=logg, feh=feh, period=period, cadence=cadence, starmodel=binary_starmodel, starfield=trilegal_filename, MAfn=MAfn, n=n, **eb_kws) if fit_trap: ebpop_Px2.fit_trapezoids(MAfn=MAfn) if savefile is not None: ebpop_Px2.save_hdf(savefile, 'eb_Px2', append=True) except: logging.error('Error generating EB_Px2 population.') if not hide_exceptions: raise if 'beb' in do_only: try: bebpop = BEBPopulation(trilegal_filename=trilegal_filename, ra=ra, dec=dec, period=period, cadence=cadence, mags=mags, MAfn=MAfn, n=n, **beb_kws) if fit_trap: bebpop.fit_trapezoids(MAfn=MAfn) if savefile is not None: bebpop.save_hdf(savefile, 'beb', append=True) except: logging.error('Error generating BEB population.') if not hide_exceptions: raise if 'beb_Px2' in do_only: try: bebpop_Px2 = BEBPopulation_Px2(trilegal_filename=trilegal_filename, ra=ra, dec=dec, period=period, cadence=cadence, mags=mags, MAfn=MAfn, n=n, **beb_kws) if fit_trap: bebpop_Px2.fit_trapezoids(MAfn=MAfn) if savefile is not None: bebpop_Px2.save_hdf(savefile, 'beb_Px2', append=True) except: logging.error('Error generating BEB_Px2 population.') if not hide_exceptions: raise if 'pl' in do_only: try: plpop = PlanetPopulation(period=period, cadence=cadence, rprs=rprs, starmodel=starmodel, MAfn=MAfn, n=n, **pl_kws) if fit_trap: plpop.fit_trapezoids(MAfn=MAfn) if savefile is not None: plpop.save_hdf(savefile, 'pl', append=True) except: logging.error('Error generating Planet population.') if not hide_exceptions: raise if not do_all and savefile is not None: hebpop = HEBPopulation.load_hdf(savefile, 'heb') hebpop_Px2 = HEBPopulation.load_hdf(savefile, 'heb_Px2') ebpop = EBPopulation.load_hdf(savefile, 'eb') ebpop_Px2 = EBPopulation.load_hdf(savefile, 'eb_Px2') bebpop = BEBPopulation.load_hdf(savefile, 'beb') bebpop_Px2 = BEBPopulation.load_hdf(savefile, 'beb_Px2') plpop = PlanetPopulation.load_hdf(savefile, 'pl') self.poplist = [hebpop, hebpop_Px2, ebpop, ebpop_Px2, bebpop, bebpop_Px2, plpop]
@property def constraints(self): """ Unique list of constraints among all populations in set. """ cs = [] for pop in self.poplist: cs += [c for c in pop.constraints] return list(set(cs)) @property def modelnames(self): """ List of model names """ return [pop.model for pop in self.poplist] @property def shortmodelnames(self): """ List of short modelnames. """ return [pop.modelshort for pop in self.poplist]
[docs] def save_hdf(self, filename, path='', overwrite=False): """ Saves PopulationSet to HDF file. """ if os.path.exists(filename) and overwrite: os.remove(filename) for pop in self.poplist: name = pop.modelshort pop.save_hdf(filename, path='{}/{}'.format(path,name), append=True)
[docs] @classmethod def load_hdf(cls, filename, path=''): """ Loads PopulationSet from file """ with pd.HDFStore(filename) as store: models = [] types = [] for k in store.keys(): m ='/(\S+)/stars', k) if m: models.append( types.append(store.get_storer( poplist = [] for m,t in zip(models,types): poplist.append(t().load_hdf(filename, path='{}/{}'.format(path,m))) return cls(poplist) #how to deal with saved constraints?
#PopulationSet.__init__(self, poplist) #how to deal with saved constraints? #return self
[docs] def add_population(self,pop): """Adds population to PopulationSet """ if pop.model in self.modelnames: raise ValueError('%s model already in PopulationSet.' % pop.model) self.modelnames.append(pop.model) self.shortmodelnames.append(pop.modelshort) self.poplist.append(pop)
[docs] def remove_population(self,pop): """Removes population from PopulationSet """ iremove=None for i in range(len(self.poplist)): if self.modelnames[i]==self.poplist[i].model: iremove=i if iremove is not None: self.modelnames.pop(i) self.shortmodelnames.pop(i) self.poplist.pop(i)
def __hash__(self): key = 0 for pop in self.poplist: key = hashcombine(key,pop) return key def __getitem__(self,name): name = name.lower() if name in ['pl','pls']: name = 'planets' elif name in ['eb','ebs']: name = 'ebs' elif name in ['heb','hebs']: name = 'hebs' elif name in ['beb','bebs','bgeb','bgebs']: name = 'bebs' elif name in ['bpl','bgpl','bpls','bgpls']: name = 'blended planets' elif name in ['sbeb','sbgeb','sbebs','sbgebs']: name = 'specific beb' elif name in ['sheb','shebs']: name = 'specific heb' elif name in ['eb_Px2', 'ebs_Px2', 'eb_px2', 'ebs_Px2']: name = 'ebs (double period)' elif name in ['heb_Px2', 'hebs_Px2', 'heb_px2', 'hebs_px2']: name = 'hebs (double period)' elif name in ['beb_Px2', 'bebs_Px2', 'beb_px2', 'bebs_px2']: name = 'bebs (double period)' for pop in self.poplist: if name==pop.model.lower(): return pop raise ValueError('%s not in modelnames: %s' % (name,self.modelnames)) @property def colordict(self): """ Dictionary holding colors that correspond to constraints. """ d = {} i=0 n = len(self.constraints) for c in self.constraints: #self.colordict[c] = colors[i % 6] d[c] = cm.jet(1.*i/n) i+=1 return d @property def priorfactors(self): """Combinartion of priorfactors from all populations """ priorfactors = {} for pop in self.poplist: for f in pop.priorfactors: if f in priorfactors: if pop.priorfactors[f] != priorfactors[f]: raise ValueError('prior factor %s is inconsistent!' % f) else: priorfactors[f] = pop.priorfactors[f] return priorfactors
[docs] def change_prior(self,**kwargs): """Changes prior factor(s) in all populations """ for kw,val in kwargs.items(): if kw=='area': logging.warning('cannot change area in this way--use change_maxrad instead') continue for pop in self.poplist: k = {kw:val} pop.change_prior(**k)
[docs] def apply_multicolor_transit(self,band,depth): """ Applies constraint corresponding to measuring transit in different band This is not implemented yet. """ if '{} band transit'.format(band) not in self.constraints: self.constraints.append('{} band transit'.format(band)) for pop in self.poplist: pop.apply_multicolor_transit(band,depth)
[docs] def set_maxrad(self,newrad): """ Sets max allowed radius in populations. Doesn't operate via the :class:`stars.Constraint` protocol; rather just rescales the sky positions for the background objects and recalculates sky area, etc. """ if not isinstance(newrad, Quantity): newrad = newrad * u.arcsec #if 'Rsky' not in self.constraints: # self.constraints.append('Rsky') for pop in self.poplist: if not pop.is_specific: try: pop.maxrad = newrad except AttributeError: pass
[docs] def apply_dmaglim(self,dmaglim=None): """ Applies a constraint that sets the maximum brightness for non-target star :func:`stars.StarPopulation.set_dmaglim` not yet implemented. """ raise NotImplementedError if 'bright blend limit' not in self.constraints: self.constraints.append('bright blend limit') for pop in self.poplist: if not hasattr(pop,'dmaglim') or pop.is_specific: continue if dmaglim is None: dmag = pop.dmaglim else: dmag = dmaglim pop.set_dmaglim(dmag) self.dmaglim = dmaglim
[docs] def apply_trend_constraint(self, limit, dt, **kwargs): """ Applies constraint corresponding to RV trend non-detection to each population See :func:`stars.StarPopulation.apply_trend_constraint`; all arguments passed to that function for each population. """ if 'RV monitoring' not in self.constraints: self.constraints.append('RV monitoring') for pop in self.poplist: if not hasattr(pop,'dRV'): continue pop.apply_trend_constraint(limit, dt, **kwargs) self.trend_limit = limit self.trend_dt = dt
[docs] def apply_secthresh(self, secthresh, **kwargs): """Applies secondary depth constraint to each population See :func:`EclipsePopulation.apply_secthresh`; all arguments passed to that function for each population. """ if 'secondary depth' not in self.constraints: self.constraints.append('secondary depth') for pop in self.poplist: if not isinstance(pop, EclipsePopulation_Px2): pop.apply_secthresh(secthresh, **kwargs) self.secthresh = secthresh
[docs] def constrain_oddeven(self, diff, **kwargs): """Constrains the difference b/w primary and secondary to be < diff """ if 'odd-even' not in self.constraints: self.constraints.append('odd-even') for pop in self.poplist: if isinstance(pop, EclipsePopulation_Px2): pop.constrain_oddeven(diff, **kwargs) self.oddeven_diff = diff
[docs] def constrain_property(self,prop,**kwargs): """ Constrains property for each population See :func:`vespa.stars.StarPopulation.constrain_property`; all arguments passed to that function for each population. """ if prop not in self.constraints: self.constraints.append(prop) for pop in self.poplist: try: pop.constrain_property(prop,**kwargs) except AttributeError:'%s model does not have property stars.%s (constraint not applied)' % (pop.model,prop))
[docs] def replace_constraint(self,name,**kwargs): """ Replaces removed constraint in each population. See :func:`vespa.stars.StarPopulation.replace_constraint` """ for pop in self.poplist: pop.replace_constraint(name,**kwargs) if name not in self.constraints: self.constraints.append(name)
[docs] def remove_constraint(self,*names): """ Removes constraint from each population See :func:`vespa.stars.StarPopulation.remove_constraint """ for name in names: for pop in self.poplist: if name in pop.constraints: pop.remove_constraint(name) else:'%s model does not have %s constraint' % (pop.model,name)) if name in self.constraints: self.constraints.remove(name)
[docs] def apply_cc(self, cc, **kwargs): """ Applies contrast curve constraint to each population See :func:`vespa.stars.StarPopulation.apply_cc`; all arguments passed to that function for each population. """ if type(cc)==type(''): pass if not in self.constraints: self.constraints.append( for pop in self.poplist: if not pop.is_specific: try: pop.apply_cc(cc, **kwargs) except AttributeError:'%s cc not applied to %s model' % (,pop.model))
[docs] def apply_vcc(self,vcc): """ Applies velocity contrast curve constraint to each population See :func:`vespa.stars.StarPopulation.apply_vcc`; all arguments passed to that function for each population. """ if 'secondary spectrum' not in self.constraints: self.constraints.append('secondary spectrum') for pop in self.poplist: if not pop.is_specific: try: pop.apply_vcc(vcc) except:'VCC constraint not applied to %s model' % (pop.model))
def resample(self): new = copy.deepcopy(self) new_poplist = [pop.resample() for pop in new.poplist] new.poplist = new_poplist return new
############ Utility Functions ############## def calculate_eclipses(M1s, M2s, R1s, R2s, mag1s, mag2s, u11s=0.394, u21s=0.296, u12s=0.394, u22s=0.296, Ps=None, period=None, logperkde=RAGHAVAN_LOGPERKDE, incs=None, eccs=None, mininc=None, calc_mininc=True, maxecc=0.97, ecc_fn=draw_eccs, band='Kepler', return_probability_only=False, return_indices=True, MAfn=None): """Returns random eclipse parameters for provided inputs :param M1s, M2s, R1s, R2s, mag1s, mag2s: (array-like) Primary and secondary properties (mass, radius, magnitude) :param u11s, u21s, u12s, u22s: (optional) Limb darkening parameters (u11 = u1 for star 1, u21 = u2 for star 1, etc.) :param Ps: (array-like, optional) Orbital periods; same size as ``M1s``, etc. If only a single period is desired, use ``period``. :param period: (optional) Orbital period; use this keyword if only a single period is desired. :param logperkde: (optional) If neither ``Ps`` nor ``period`` is provided, then periods will be randomly generated according to this log-period distribution. Default is taken from the Raghavan (2010) period distribution. :param incs, eccs: (optional) Inclinations and eccentricities. If not passed, they will be generated. Eccentricities will be generated according to ``ecc_fn``; inclinations will be randomly generated out to ``mininc``. :param mininc: (optional) Minimum inclination to generate. Useful if you want to enhance efficiency by only generating mostly eclipsing, instead of mostly non-eclipsing systems. If not provided and ``calc_mininc`` is ``True``, then this will be calculated based on inputs. :param calc_mininc: (optional) Whether to calculate ``mininc`` based on inputs. If truly isotropic inclinations are desired, set this to ``False``. :param maxecc: (optional) Maximum eccentricity to generate. :param ecc_fn: (callable, optional) Orbital eccentricity generating function. Must return ``n`` orbital eccentricities generated according to provided period(s):: eccs = ecc_fn(n,Ps) Defaults to :func:`stars.utils.draw_eccs`. :param band: (optional) Photometric bandpass in which eclipse is observed. :param return_probability_only: (optional) If ``True``, then will return only the average eclipse probability of population. :param return_indices: (optional) If ``True``, returns the indices of the original input arrays that the output ``DataFrame`` corresponds to. **This behavior will/should be changed to just return a ``DataFrame`` of the same length as inputs...** :param MAfn: (optional) :class:`transit_basic.MAInterpolationFunction` object. If not passed, then one with default parameters will be created. :return: * [``wany``: indices describing which of the original input arrays the output ``DataFrame`` corresponds to. * ``df``: ``DataFrame`` with the following columns: ``[{band}_mag_tot, P, ecc, inc, w, dpri, dsec, T14_pri, T23_pri, T14_sec, T23_sec, b_pri, b_sec, {band}_mag_1, {band}_mag_2, fluxfrac_1, fluxfrac_2, switched, u1_1, u2_1, u1_2, u2_2]``. **N.B. that this will be shorter than your input arrays, because not everything will eclipse; this behavior will likely be changed in the future because it's confusing.** * ``(prob, dprob)`` Eclipse probability with Poisson uncertainty """ if MAfn is None: logging.warning('MAInterpolationFunction not passed, so generating one...') MAfn = MAInterpolationFunction(nzs=200,nps=400,pmin=0.007,pmax=1/0.007) M1s = np.atleast_1d(M1s) M2s = np.atleast_1d(M2s) R1s = np.atleast_1d(R1s) R2s = np.atleast_1d(R2s) nbad = (np.isnan(M1s) | np.isnan(M2s) | np.isnan(R1s) | np.isnan(R2s)).sum() if nbad > 0: logging.warning('{} M1s are nan'.format(np.isnan(M1s).sum())) logging.warning('{} M2s are nan'.format(np.isnan(M2s).sum())) logging.warning('{} R1s are nan'.format(np.isnan(R1s).sum())) logging.warning('{} R2s are nan'.format(np.isnan(R2s).sum())) mag1s = mag1s * np.ones_like(M1s) mag2s = mag2s * np.ones_like(M1s) u11s = u11s * np.ones_like(M1s) u21s = u21s * np.ones_like(M1s) u12s = u12s * np.ones_like(M1s) u22s = u22s * np.ones_like(M1s) n = np.size(M1s) #a bit clunky here, but works. simPs = False if period: Ps = np.ones(n)*period else: if Ps is None: Ps = 10**(logperkde.rvs(n)) simPs = True simeccs = False if eccs is None: if not simPs and period is not None: eccs = ecc_fn(n,period,maxecc=maxecc) else: eccs = ecc_fn(n,Ps,maxecc=maxecc) simeccs = True bad_Ps = np.isnan(Ps) if bad_Ps.sum()>0: logging.warning('{} nan periods. why?'.format(bad_Ps.sum())) bad_eccs = np.isnan(eccs) if bad_eccs.sum()>0: logging.warning('{} nan eccentricities. why?'.format(bad_eccs.sum())) semimajors = semimajor(Ps, M1s+M2s)*AU #in AU #check to see if there are simulated instances that are # too close; i.e. periastron sends secondary within roche # lobe of primary tooclose = withinroche(semimajors*(1-eccs)/AU,M1s,R1s,M2s,R2s) ntooclose = tooclose.sum() tries = 0 maxtries=5 if simPs: while ntooclose > 0: lastntooclose=ntooclose Ps[tooclose] = 10**(logperkde.rvs(ntooclose)) if simeccs: eccs[tooclose] = draw_eccs(ntooclose,Ps[tooclose]) semimajors[tooclose] = semimajor(Ps[tooclose],M1s[tooclose]+M2s[tooclose])*AU tooclose = withinroche(semimajors*(1-eccs)/AU,M1s,R1s,M2s,R2s) ntooclose = tooclose.sum() if ntooclose==lastntooclose: #prevent infinite loop tries += 1 if tries > maxtries:'{} binaries are "too close"; gave up trying to fix.'.format(ntooclose)) break else: while ntooclose > 0: lastntooclose=ntooclose if simeccs: eccs[tooclose] = draw_eccs(ntooclose,Ps[tooclose]) semimajors[tooclose] = semimajor(Ps[tooclose],M1s[tooclose]+M2s[tooclose])*AU #wtooclose = where(semimajors*(1-eccs) < 2*(R1s+R2s)*RSUN) tooclose = withinroche(semimajors*(1-eccs)/AU,M1s,R1s,M2s,R2s) ntooclose = tooclose.sum() if ntooclose==lastntooclose: #prevent infinite loop tries += 1 if tries > maxtries:'{} binaries are "too close"; gave up trying to fix.'.format(ntooclose)) break #randomize inclinations, either full range, or within restricted range if mininc is None and calc_mininc: mininc = minimum_inclination(Ps, M1s, M2s, R1s, R2s) if incs is None: if mininc is None: incs = np.arccos(np.random.random(n)) #random inclinations in radians else: incs = np.arccos(np.random.random(n)*np.cos(mininc*np.pi/180)) if mininc: prob = np.cos(mininc*np.pi/180) else: prob = 1 logging.debug('initial probability given mininc starting at {}'.format(prob)) ws = np.random.random(n)*2*np.pi switched = (R2s > R1s) R_large = switched*R2s + ~switched*R1s R_small = switched*R1s + ~switched*R2s b_tras = semimajors*np.cos(incs)/(R_large*RSUN) * (1-eccs**2)/(1 + eccs*np.sin(ws)) b_occs = semimajors*np.cos(incs)/(R_large*RSUN) * (1-eccs**2)/(1 - eccs*np.sin(ws)) b_tras[tooclose] = np.inf b_occs[tooclose] = np.inf ks = R_small/R_large Rtots = (R_small + R_large)/R_large tra = (b_tras < Rtots) occ = (b_occs < Rtots) nany = (tra | occ).sum() peb = nany/float(n) prob *= peb if return_probability_only: return prob,prob*np.sqrt(nany)/n i = (tra | occ) wany = np.where(i) P,M1,M2,R1,R2,mag1,mag2,inc,ecc,w = Ps[i],M1s[i],M2s[i],R1s[i],R2s[i],\ mag1s[i],mag2s[i],incs[i]*180/np.pi,eccs[i],ws[i]*180/np.pi a = semimajors[i] #in cm already b_tra = b_tras[i] b_occ = b_occs[i] u11 = u11s[i] u21 = u21s[i] u12 = u12s[i] u22 = u22s[i] switched = (R2 > R1) R_large = switched*R2 + ~switched*R1 R_small = switched*R1 + ~switched*R2 k = R_small/R_large #calculate durations T14_tra = P/np.pi*np.arcsin(R_large*RSUN/a * np.sqrt((1+k)**2 - b_tra**2)/np.sin(inc*np.pi/180)) *\ np.sqrt(1-ecc**2)/(1+ecc*np.sin(w*np.pi/180)) #*24*60 T23_tra = P/np.pi*np.arcsin(R_large*RSUN/a * np.sqrt((1-k)**2 - b_tra**2)/np.sin(inc*np.pi/180)) *\ np.sqrt(1-ecc**2)/(1+ecc*np.sin(w*np.pi/180)) #*24*60 T14_occ = P/np.pi*np.arcsin(R_large*RSUN/a * np.sqrt((1+k)**2 - b_occ**2)/np.sin(inc*np.pi/180)) *\ np.sqrt(1-ecc**2)/(1-ecc*np.sin(w*np.pi/180)) #*24*60 T23_occ = P/np.pi*np.arcsin(R_large*RSUN/a * np.sqrt((1-k)**2 - b_occ**2)/np.sin(inc*np.pi/180)) *\ np.sqrt(1-ecc**2)/(1-ecc*np.sin(w*np.pi/180)) #*24*60 bad = (np.isnan(T14_tra) & np.isnan(T14_occ)) if bad.sum() > 0: logging.error('Something snuck through with no eclipses!') logging.error('k: {}'.format(k[bad])) logging.error('b_tra: {}'.format(b_tra[bad])) logging.error('b_occ: {}'.format(b_occ[bad])) logging.error('T14_tra: {}'.format(T14_tra[bad])) logging.error('T14_occ: {}'.format(T14_occ[bad])) logging.error('under sqrt (tra): {}'.format((1+k[bad])**2 - b_tra[bad]**2)) logging.error('under sqrt (occ): {}'.format((1+k[bad])**2 - b_occ[bad]**2)) logging.error('eccsq: {}'.format(ecc[bad]**2)) logging.error('a in Rsun: {}'.format(a[bad]/RSUN)) logging.error('R_large: {}'.format(R_large[bad])) logging.error('R_small: {}'.format(R_small[bad])) logging.error('P: {}'.format(P[bad])) logging.error('total M: {}'.format(M1[bad]+M2[bad])) T14_tra[(np.isnan(T14_tra))] = 0 T23_tra[(np.isnan(T23_tra))] = 0 T14_occ[(np.isnan(T14_occ))] = 0 T23_occ[(np.isnan(T23_occ))] = 0 #calling mandel-agol ftra = MAfn(k,b_tra,u11,u21) focc = MAfn(1/k,b_occ/k,u12,u22) #fix those with k or 1/k out of range of MAFN....or do it in MAfn eventually? wtrabad = np.where((k < MAfn.pmin) | (k > MAfn.pmax)) woccbad = np.where((1/k < MAfn.pmin) | (1/k > MAfn.pmax)) for ind in wtrabad[0]: ftra[ind] = occultquad(b_tra[ind],u11[ind],u21[ind],k[ind]) for ind in woccbad[0]: focc[ind] = occultquad(b_occ[ind]/k[ind],u12[ind],u22[ind],1/k[ind]) F1 = 10**(-0.4*mag1) + switched*10**(-0.4*mag2) F2 = 10**(-0.4*mag2) + switched*10**(-0.4*mag1) dtra = 1-(F2 + F1*ftra)/(F1+F2) docc = 1-(F1 + F2*focc)/(F1+F2) totmag = -2.5*np.log10(F1+F2) #wswitched = where(switched) dtra[switched],docc[switched] = (docc[switched],dtra[switched]) T14_tra[switched],T14_occ[switched] = (T14_occ[switched],T14_tra[switched]) T23_tra[switched],T23_occ[switched] = (T23_occ[switched],T23_tra[switched]) b_tra[switched],b_occ[switched] = (b_occ[switched],b_tra[switched]) #mag1[wswitched],mag2[wswitched] = (mag2[wswitched],mag1[wswitched]) F1[switched],F2[switched] = (F2[switched],F1[switched]) u11[switched],u12[switched] = (u12[switched],u11[switched]) u21[switched],u22[switched] = (u22[switched],u21[switched]) dtra[(np.isnan(dtra))] = 0 docc[(np.isnan(docc))] = 0 if np.any(np.isnan(ecc)): logging.warning('{} nans in eccentricity. why?'.format(np.isnan(ecc).sum())) df = pd.DataFrame({'{}_mag_tot'.format(band) : totmag, 'P':P, 'ecc':ecc, 'inc':inc, 'w':w, 'dpri':dtra, 'dsec':docc, 'T14_pri':T14_tra, 'T23_pri':T23_tra, 'T14_sec':T14_occ, 'T23_sec':T23_occ, 'b_pri':b_tra, 'b_sec':b_occ, '{}_mag_1'.format(band) : mag1, '{}_mag_2'.format(band) : mag2, 'fluxfrac_1':F1/(F1+F2), 'fluxfrac_2':F2/(F1+F2), 'switched':switched, 'u1_1':u11, 'u2_1':u21, 'u1_2':u12, 'u2_2':u22}) df.reset_index(inplace=True) logging.debug('final prob: {}'.format(prob)) if return_indices: return wany, df, (prob, prob*np.sqrt(nany)/n) else: return df, (prob, prob*np.sqrt(nany)/n) class ArtificialPopulation(EclipsePopulation): """ A population with contrived likelihood function prior : The model prior for this population lhoodfn : a normalized PDF of (duration, log(depth), slope) must define prior, _lhoodfn """ #def __init__(self, prior, lhoodfn): # self._prior = prior # self._lhoodfn = lhoodfn @property def prior(self): return self._prior def lhood(self, trsig, **kwargs): N = trsig.kde.dataset.shape[1] lh = self._lhoodfn(trsig.kde.dataset).sum() / N return lh @property def priorfactors(self): return {} def resample(self): return copy.deepcopy(self) class BoxyModel(ArtificialPopulation): max_slope = MAXSLOPE logd_range = (-5,0) dur_range = (0,2) model='boxy' modelshort='boxy' def __init__(self, prior, min_slope): self._prior = prior self.min_slope = min_slope def _lhoodfn(self, x): level = 1./((self.logd_range[1]-self.logd_range[0])* (self.dur_range[1]-self.dur_range[0])* (self.max_slope-self.min_slope)) return level*(x[2,:] > self.min_slope) class LongModel(ArtificialPopulation): slope_range = (2,15) logd_range = (0,5) max_dur = 2. model='long' modelshort='long' def __init__(self, prior, min_dur): self._prior = prior self.min_dur = min_dur def _lhoodfn(self, x): level = 1./((self.logd_range[1]-self.logd_range[0])* (self.slope_range[1]-self.slope_range[0])* (self.max_dur-self.min_dur)) return level*(x[0,:] > self.min_dur) ##################### ###### Utility functions def fp_fressin(rp,dr=None): if dr is None: dr = rp*0.3 fp = quad(fressin_occurrence,rp-dr,rp+dr)[0] return max(fp, 0.001) #to avoid zero def fressin_occurrence(rp): """Occurrence rates per bin from Fressin+ (2013) """ rp = np.atleast_1d(rp) sq2 = np.sqrt(2) bins = np.array([1/sq2,1,sq2,2,2*sq2, 4,4*sq2,8,8*sq2, 16,16*sq2]) rates = np.array([0,0.155,0.155,0.165,0.17,0.065,0.02,0.01,0.012,0.01,0.002,0]) return rates[np.digitize(rp,bins)] def _loadcache(cachefile): """ Returns a dictionary resulting from reading a likelihood cachefile """ cache = {} if os.path.exists(cachefile): with open(cachefile) as f: for line in f: line = line.split() if len(line) == 2: try: cache[int(line[0])] = float(line[1]) except: pass return cache ####### Exceptions class EmptyPopulationError(Exception): pass class NoTrapfitError(Exception): pass