Source code for vespa.stars.trilegal

from __future__ import print_function,division

import logging
import subprocess as sp
import os, re
import time

    import numpy as np
    import pandas as pd

    from astropy.units import UnitsError
    from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
except ImportError:
    np, pd = (None, None)
    UnitsError, SkyCoord = (None, None)

from .extinction import get_AV_infinity

NONMAG_COLS = ['Gc','logAge', '[M/H]', 'm_ini', 'logL', 'logTe', 'logg',
               'm-M0', 'Av', 'm2/m1', 'mbol', 'Mact'] #all the rest are mags

[docs]def get_trilegal(filename,ra,dec,folder='.', galactic=False, filterset='kepler_2mass',area=1,maglim=27,binaries=False, trilegal_version='1.6',sigma_AV=0.1,convert_h5=True): """Runs get_trilegal perl script; optionally saves output into .h5 file Depends on a perl script provided by L. Girardi; calls the web form simulation, downloads the file, and (optionally) converts to HDF format. Uses A_V at infinity from :func:`utils.get_AV_infinity`. .. note:: Would be desirable to re-write the get_trilegal script all in python. :param filename: Desired output filename. If extension not provided, it will be added. :param ra,dec: Coordinates (ecliptic) for line-of-sight simulation. :param folder: (optional) Folder to which to save file. *Acknowledged, file control in this function is a bit wonky.* :param filterset: (optional) Filter set for which to call TRILEGAL. :param area: (optional) Area of TRILEGAL simulation [sq. deg] :param maglim: (optional) Limiting magnitude in first mag (by default will be Kepler band) If want to limit in different band, then you have to got directly to the ``get_trilegal`` perl script. :param binaries: (optional) Whether to have TRILEGAL include binary stars. Default ``False``. :param trilegal_version: (optional) Default ``'1.6'``. :param sigma_AV: (optional) Fractional spread in A_V along the line of sight. :param convert_h5: (optional) If true, text file downloaded from TRILEGAL will be converted into a ``pandas.DataFrame`` stored in an HDF file, with ``'df'`` path. """ if galactic: l, b = ra, dec else: try: c = SkyCoord(ra,dec) except UnitsError: c = SkyCoord(ra,dec,unit='deg') l,b = (c.galactic.l.value,c.galactic.b.value) if os.path.isabs(filename): folder = '' if not'\.dat$',filename): outfile = '{}/{}.dat'.format(folder,filename) else: outfile = '{}/{}'.format(folder,filename) AV = get_AV_infinity(l,b,frame='galactic') #cmd = 'get_trilegal %s %f %f %f %i %.3f %.2f %s 1 %.1f %s' % (trilegal_version,l,b, # area,binaries,AV,sigma_AV, # filterset,maglim,outfile) #sp.Popen(cmd,shell=True).wait() trilegal_webcall(trilegal_version,l,b,area,binaries,AV,sigma_AV,filterset,maglim,outfile) if convert_h5: df = pd.read_table(outfile, sep='\s+', skipfooter=1, engine='python') df = df.rename(columns={'#Gc':'Gc'}) for col in df.columns: if col not in NONMAG_COLS: df.rename(columns={col:'{}_mag'.format(col)},inplace=True) if not'\.h5$', filename): h5file = '{}/{}.h5'.format(folder,filename) else: h5file = '{}/{}'.format(folder,filename) df.to_hdf(h5file,'df') with pd.HDFStore(h5file) as store: attrs = store.get_storer('df').attrs attrs.trilegal_args = {'version':trilegal_version, 'ra':ra, 'dec':dec, 'l':l,'b':b,'area':area, 'AV':AV, 'sigma_AV':sigma_AV, 'filterset':filterset, 'maglim':maglim, 'binaries':binaries} os.remove(outfile)
def trilegal_webcall(trilegal_version,l,b,area,binaries,AV,sigma_AV,filterset,maglim, outfile): """Calls TRILEGAL webserver and downloads results file. :param trilegal_version: Version of trilegal (only tested on 1.6). :param l,b: Coordinates (galactic) for line-of-sight simulation. :param area: Area of TRILEGAL simulation [sq. deg] :param binaries: Whether to have TRILEGAL include binary stars. Default ``False``. :param AV: Extinction along the line of sight. :param sigma_AV: Fractional spread in A_V along the line of sight. :param filterset: (optional) Filter set for which to call TRILEGAL. :param maglim: Limiting magnitude in mag (by default will be 1st band of filterset) If want to limit in different band, then you have to change function directly. :param outfile: Desired output filename. """ webserver = '' args = [l,b,area,AV,sigma_AV,filterset,maglim,1,binaries] mainparams = ('imf_file=tab_imf%2Fimf_chabrier_lognormal.dat&binary_frac=0.3&' 'binary_mrinf=0.7&binary_mrsup=1&extinction_h_r=100000&extinction_h_z=' '110&extinction_kind=2&extinction_rho_sun=0.00015&extinction_infty={}&' 'extinction_sigma={}&r_sun=8700&z_sun=24.2&thindisk_h_r=2800&' 'thindisk_r_min=0&thindisk_r_max=15000&thindisk_kind=3&thindisk_h_z0=' '95&thindisk_hz_tau0=4400000000&thindisk_hz_alpha=1.6666&' 'thindisk_rho_sun=59&thindisk_file=tab_sfr%2Ffile_sfr_thindisk_mod.dat&' 'thindisk_a=0.8&thindisk_b=0&thickdisk_kind=0&thickdisk_h_r=2800&' 'thickdisk_r_min=0&thickdisk_r_max=15000&thickdisk_h_z=800&' 'thickdisk_rho_sun=0.0015&thickdisk_file=tab_sfr%2Ffile_sfr_thickdisk.dat&' 'thickdisk_a=1&thickdisk_b=0&halo_kind=2&halo_r_eff=2800&halo_q=0.65&' 'halo_rho_sun=0.00015&halo_file=tab_sfr%2Ffile_sfr_halo.dat&halo_a=1&' 'halo_b=0&bulge_kind=2&bulge_am=2500&bulge_a0=95&bulge_eta=0.68&' 'bulge_csi=0.31&bulge_phi0=15&bulge_rho_central=406.0&' 'bulge_cutoffmass=0.01&bulge_file=tab_sfr%2Ffile_sfr_bulge_zoccali_p03.dat&' 'bulge_a=1&bulge_b=-2.0e9&object_kind=0&object_mass=1280&object_dist=1658&' 'object_av=1.504&object_avkind=1&object_cutoffmass=0.8&' 'object_file=tab_sfr%2Ffile_sfr_m4.dat&object_a=1&object_b=0&' 'output_kind=1').format(AV,sigma_AV) cmdargs = [trilegal_version,l,b,area,filterset,1,maglim,binaries,mainparams, webserver,trilegal_version] cmd = ("wget -o lixo -Otmpfile --post-data='submit_form=Submit&trilegal_version={}" "&gal_coord=1&gc_l={}&gc_b={}&eq_alpha=0&eq_delta=0&field={}&photsys_file=" "tab_mag_odfnew%2Ftab_mag_{}.dat&icm_lim={}&mag_lim={}&mag_res=0.1&" "binary_kind={}&{}' {}/cgi-bin/trilegal_{}").format(*cmdargs) complete = False while not complete: notconnected = True busy = True print("TRILEGAL is being called with \n l={} deg, b={} deg, area={} sqrdeg\n " "Av={} with {} fractional r.m.s. spread \n in the {} system, complete down to " "mag={} in its {}th filter, use_binaries set to {}.".format(*args)) sp.Popen(cmd,shell=True).wait() if os.path.exists('tmpfile') and os.path.getsize('tmpfile')>0: notconnected = False else: print("No communication with {}, will retry in 2 min".format(webserver)) time.sleep(120) if not notconnected: with open('tmpfile','r') as f: lines = f.readlines() for line in lines: if 'The results will be available after about 2 minutes' in line: busy = False break sp.Popen('rm -f lixo tmpfile',shell=True) if not busy: filenameidx = line.find('<a href=../tmp/') +15 fileendidx = line[filenameidx:].find('.dat') filename = line[filenameidx:filenameidx+fileendidx+4] print("retrieving data from {} ...".format(filename)) while not complete: time.sleep(40) modcmd = 'wget -o lixo -O{} {}/tmp/{}'.format(filename,webserver,filename) modcall = sp.Popen(modcmd,shell=True).wait() if os.path.getsize(filename)>0: with open(filename,'r') as f: lastline = f.readlines()[-1] if 'normally' in lastline: complete = True print('model downloaded!..') if not complete: print('still running...') else: print('Server busy, trying again in 2 minutes') time.sleep(120) sp.Popen('mv {} {}'.format(filename,outfile),shell=True).wait() print('results copied to {}'.format(outfile))