Source code for vespa.stars.utils

from __future__ import print_function,division

import os,os.path
import pkg_resources
import logging

on_rtd = os.environ.get('READTHEDOCS') == 'True'

if not on_rtd:
    import numpy as np
    import numpy.random as rand
    on_rtd = True
    np, rand = (None, None)

    from simpledist.distributions import KDE_Distribution
except ImportError:
    logging.warning('simpledist not available.')
    KDE_Distribution = None

if not on_rtd:
    from astropy.units import Quantity
    Quantity = None

if not on_rtd:
    DATAFOLDER = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'data'))

    RAGHAVAN_PERS = np.recfromtxt('{}/raghavan_periods.dat'.format(DATAFOLDER))
    RAGHAVAN_BINPERKDE = KDE_Distribution(RAGHAVAN_BINPERS,adaptive=False)
    RAGHAVAN_LOGPERKDE = KDE_Distribution(RAGHAVAN_LOGPERS,adaptive=False)

    #from Multiple Star Catalog
    MSC_TRIPDATA = np.recfromtxt('{}/multiple_pecc.txt'.format(DATAFOLDER),names=True)
    MSC_TRIPPERKDE = KDE_Distribution(MSC_TRIPLEPERS,adaptive=False)
    MSC_TRIPLOGPERKDE = KDE_Distribution(np.log10(MSC_TRIPLEPERS),adaptive=False)
                                                                       None, None)

def randpos_in_circle(n,rad,return_rad=False):
    x = rand.random(n)*2*rad - rad
    y = rand.random(n)*2*rad - rad
    mask = (x**2 + y**2 > rad**2)
    nw = mask.sum()
    while nw > 0:
        x[mask] = rand.random(nw)*2*rad-rad
        y[mask] = rand.random(nw)*2*rad-rad
        mask = (x**2 + y**2 > rad**2)
        nw = mask.sum()
    if return_rad:
        return np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2)
        return x,y

[docs]def draw_pers_eccs(n,**kwargs): """ Draw random periods and eccentricities according to empirical survey data. """ pers = draw_raghavan_periods(n) eccs = draw_eccs(n,pers,**kwargs) return pers,eccs
def flat_massratio(n, qmin=0.1, qmax=1.): return rand.uniform(size=n)*(qmax - qmin) + qmin def flat_massratio_fn(qmin=0.1,qmax=1.): def fn(n): return rand.uniform(size=n)*(qmax - qmin) + qmin return fn
[docs]def draw_raghavan_periods(n): """ Draw orbital periods according to Raghavan (2010) """ logps = RAGHAVAN_LOGPERKDE.resample(n) return 10**logps
[docs]def draw_msc_periods(n): """ Draw orbital periods according to Multiple Star Catalog """ logps = MSC_TRIPLOGPERKDE.resample(n) return 10**logps
[docs]def draw_eccs(n,per=10,binsize=0.1,fuzz=0.05,maxecc=0.97): """draws eccentricities appropriate to given periods, generated according to empirical data from Multiple Star Catalog """ if np.size(per) == 1 or np.std(np.atleast_1d(per))==0: if np.size(per)>1: per = per[0] if per==0: es = np.zeros(n) else: ne=0 while ne<10: mask = np.absolute(np.log10(MSC_TRIPLEPERS)-np.log10(per))<binsize/2. es = MSC_TRIPDATA.e[mask] ne = len(es) if ne<10: binsize*=1.1 inds = rand.randint(ne,size=n) es = es[inds] * (1 + rand.normal(size=n)*fuzz) else: longmask = (per > 25) shortmask = (per <= 25) es = np.zeros(np.size(per)) elongs = MSC_TRIPDATA.e[MSC_TRIPLEPERS > 25] eshorts = MSC_TRIPDATA.e[MSC_TRIPLEPERS <= 25] n = np.size(per) nlong = longmask.sum() nshort = shortmask.sum() nelongs = np.size(elongs) neshorts = np.size(eshorts) ilongs = rand.randint(nelongs,size=nlong) ishorts = rand.randint(neshorts,size=nshort) es[longmask] = elongs[ilongs] es[shortmask] = eshorts[ishorts] es = es * (1 + rand.normal(size=n)*fuzz) es[es>maxecc] = maxecc return np.absolute(es)
########## other utility functions; copied from old code if not on_rtd: import astropy.constants as const AU = RSUN = const.R_sun.cgs.value MSUN = const.M_sun.cgs.value DAY = 86400 #seconds G = const.G.cgs.value else: const, AU, RSUN, MSUN, DAY, G = (None, None, None, None, None, None)
[docs]def rochelobe(q): """returns r1/a; q = M1/M2""" return 0.49*q**(2./3)/(0.6*q**(2./3) + np.log(1+q**(1./3)))
[docs]def withinroche(semimajors,M1,R1,M2,R2): """ Returns boolean array that is True where two stars are within Roche lobe """ q = M1/M2 return ((R1+R2)*RSUN) > (rochelobe(q)*semimajors*AU)
[docs]def semimajor(P,mstar=1): """Returns semimajor axis in AU given P in days, mstar in solar masses. """ return ((P*DAY/2/np.pi)**2*G*mstar*MSUN)**(1./3)/AU
def period_from_a(a,mstar): return np.sqrt(4*np.pi**2*(a*AU)**3/(G*mstar*MSUN))/DAY
[docs]def addmags(*mags): """ "Adds" magnitudes. Yay astronomical units! """ tot=0 for mag in mags: tot += 10**(-0.4*mag) return -2.5*np.log10(tot)
[docs]def fluxfrac(*mags): """Returns fraction of total flux in first argument, assuming all are magnitudes. """ Ftot = 0 for mag in mags: Ftot += 10**(-0.4*mag) F1 = 10**(-0.4*mags[0]) return F1/Ftot
[docs]def dfromdm(dm): """Returns distance given distance modulus. """ if np.size(dm)>1: dm = np.atleast_1d(dm) return 10**(1+dm/5)
[docs]def distancemodulus(d): """Returns distance modulus given d in parsec. """ if type(d)==Quantity: x ='pc').value else: x = d #assumed to be pc if np.size(x)>1: d = np.atleast_1d(x) return 5*np.log10(x/10)
def fbofm(M): return 0.45 - (0.7-M)/4
[docs]def mult_masses(mA, f_binary=0.4, f_triple=0.12, minmass=0.11, qmin=0.1, n=1e5): """Returns m1, m2, and m3 appropriate for TripleStarPopulation, given "primary" mass (most massive of system) and binary/triple fractions. star with m1 orbits (m2 + m3). This means that the primary mass mA will correspond either to m1 or m2. Any mass set to 0 means that component does not exist. """ if np.size(mA) > 1: n = len(mA) else: mA = np.ones(n) * mA r = rand.random(n) is_single = r > (f_binary + f_triple) is_double = (r > f_triple) & (r < (f_binary + f_triple)) is_triple = r <= f_triple CwA = rand.random(n) < 0.5 CwB = ~CwA #these for Triples: minq2_A = minmass/mA q2_A = rand.random(n)*(1-minq2_A) + minq2_A minq1_A = (minmass/mA)/(1+q2_A) maxq1_A = 1/(1+q2_A) q1_A = rand.random(n)*(maxq1_A-minq1_A) + minq1_A minq1_B = 2*minmass/mA q1_B = rand.random(n)*(1-minq1_B) + minq1_B minq2_B = np.maximum(((q1_B*mA)-minmass)/minmass, (q1_B*mA - minmass)/(q1_B*mA + minmass)) maxq2_B = 1. q2_B = rand.random(n)*(maxq2_B-minq2_B) + minq2_B mB_A = q1_A*(1 + q2_A) * mA mC_A = q2_A * mA mB_B = (q1_B/(1 + q2_B)) * mA mC_B = (q1_B*q2_B)/(1 + q2_B) * mA mB = CwA*mB_A + CwB*mB_B mC = CwA*mC_A + CwB*mC_B #for binaries-only qmin = minmass/mA q = rand.random(n)*(1-qmin) + qmin mB[is_double] = q[is_double]*mA[is_double] #now need to define the proper mapping from A,B,C to 1,2,3: # If no B or C present, then A=1 # If B present but not C, then A=1, B=2 # If both B and C present then: # If C is with A, then A=2, C=3, B=1 # If C is with B, then A=1, B=2, C=3 m1 = (mA)*(is_single + is_double) + (CwA*mB + CwB*mA)*is_triple m2 = (mB)*is_double + (CwA*mA + CwB*mB)*is_triple m3 = mC*is_triple return m1, m2, m3