Source code for vespa.transit_basic

from __future__ import print_function, division

import os
import logging
import pkg_resources

import warnings
import math

warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', '.*duration.*')

#test if building documentation on
on_rtd = os.environ.get('READTHEDOCS') == 'True'

if not on_rtd:
    import numpy as np
    from scipy.optimize import minimize
    from numba import jit
    import numpy.random as rand
    from scipy.optimize import leastsq
    from scipy.ndimage import convolve1d
    from scipy.interpolate import LinearNDInterpolator as interpnd
    np, rand, leastsq, convolve1d, interpnd = (None, None, None, None, None)
    # make fake decorators to allow RTD docs to build without numba
    def jit(*args, **kwargs):
        def foo(*args, **kwargs):
        return foo
    def vectorize(*args, **kwargs):
        def foo(*args, **kwargs):
        return foo

if not on_rtd:    
    from batman import _quadratic_ld
    _quadratic_ld = None

#from .orbits.kepler import Efn
from .orbits.kepler import calculate_eccentric_anomaly, calculate_eccentric_anomalies
from .stars.utils import rochelobe, withinroche, semimajor

if not on_rtd:
    from ._transitutils import angle_from_transit, angle_from_occultation
    from ._transitutils import zs_of_Ms, transit_duration
    import emcee
    find_eclipse, traptransit, traptransit_resid = (None, None, None)
    emcee = None

#from transit import Central, System, Body
if not on_rtd:
    import astropy.constants as const
    AU =
    RSUN = const.R_sun.cgs.value
    MSUN = const.M_sun.cgs.value
    REARTH = const.R_earth.cgs.value
    MEARTH = const.M_earth.cgs.value
    G = const.G.cgs.value
    DAY = 86400.

    DATAFOLDER = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'data'))

    LDDATA = np.recfromtxt('{}/keplerld.dat'.format(DATAFOLDER),names=True)
    LDOK = ((LDDATA.teff < 10000) & (LDDATA.logg > 2.0) & (LDDATA.feh > -2))
    LDPOINTS = np.array([LDDATA.teff[LDOK],LDDATA.logg[LDOK]]).T
    U1FN = interpnd(LDPOINTS,LDDATA.u1[LDOK])
    U2FN = interpnd(LDPOINTS,LDDATA.u2[LDOK])
    const, AU, RSUN, MSUN = (None, None, None, None)
    REARTH, MEARTH, DAY = (None, None, None)
    LDDATA, LDOK, LDPOINTS, U1FN, U2FN = (None, None, None, None, None)


[docs]def ldcoeffs(teff,logg=4.5,feh=0): """ Returns limb-darkening coefficients in Kepler band. """ teffs = np.atleast_1d(teff) loggs = np.atleast_1d(logg) Tmin,Tmax = (LDPOINTS[:,0].min(),LDPOINTS[:,0].max()) gmin,gmax = (LDPOINTS[:,1].min(),LDPOINTS[:,1].max()) teffs[(teffs < Tmin)] = Tmin + 1 teffs[(teffs > Tmax)] = Tmax - 1 loggs[(loggs < gmin)] = gmin + 0.01 loggs[(loggs > gmax)] = gmax - 0.01 u1,u2 = (U1FN(teffs,loggs),U2FN(teffs,loggs)) return u1,u2
class MAInterpolationFunction(object): """ Object enabling fast, vectorized evaluations of Mandel-Agol transit model. Interpolates on pre-defined grid calculating Mandel & Agol (2002) and Agol & Eastman (2008) calculations. This object is generally used as follows:: >>> import numpy as np >>> from vespa import MAInterpolationFunction >>> mafn = MAInterpolationFunction() #takes a few seconds >>> ps = 0.1 # radius ratio; can be float or array-like >>> zs = np.abs(np.linspace(-1,1,1000)) #impact parameters >>> fs = mafn(ps, zs) # relative flux Even cooler, it can be called with different-sized arrays for radius ratio and impact parameter, in which case it returns a flux array of shape ``(nps, nzs)``. This is clearly awesome for generating populations of eclipses:: >>> ps = np.linspace(0.01,0.1,100) # radius ratios >>> zs = np.abs(np.linspace(-1,1,1000)) #impact parameters >>> fs = mafn(ps, zs) >>> fs.shape (100, 1000) It can also be called with different limb darkening parameters, in which case arrays of ``u1`` and ``u2`` should be the third and fourth argument, after ``ps`` and ``zs``, with the same shape as ``ps`` (radius ratios). :param u1,u2: (optional) Default quadratic limb darkening parameters. Setting these only enables faster evaluation; you can always call with different values. :param pmin,pmax,nps,nzs,zmax: (optional) Parameters describing grid in p and z. """ def __init__(self,u1=0.394,u2=0.261,pmin=0.007,pmax=2,nps=200,nzs=200,zmax=None): self.u1 = u1 self.u2 = u2 self.pmin = pmin self.pmax = pmax if zmax is None: zmax = 1+pmax self.zmax = zmax self.nps = nps ps = np.logspace(np.log10(pmin),np.log10(pmax),nps) if pmax < 0.5: zs = np.concatenate([np.array([0]),ps-1e-10,ps,np.arange(pmax,1-pmax,0.01), np.arange(1-pmax,zmax,0.005)]) elif pmax < 1: zs = np.concatenate([np.array([0]),ps-1e-10,ps,np.arange(1-pmax,zmax,0.005)]) else: zs = np.concatenate([np.array([0]),ps-1e-10,ps,np.arange(pmax,zmax,0.005)]) self.nzs = np.size(zs) #zs = linspace(0,zmax,nzs) #zs = concatenate([zs,ps,ps+1e-10]) mu0s = np.zeros((np.size(ps),np.size(zs))) lambdads = np.zeros((np.size(ps),np.size(zs))) etads = np.zeros((np.size(ps),np.size(zs))) fs = np.zeros((np.size(ps),np.size(zs))) for i,p0 in enumerate(ps): f,res = occultquad(zs,u1,u2,p0,return_components=True) mu0s[i,:] = res[0] lambdads[i,:] = res[1] etads[i,:] = res[2] fs[i,:] = f P,Z = np.meshgrid(ps,zs) points = np.array([P.ravel(),Z.ravel()]).T self.mu0 = interpnd(points,mu0s.T.ravel()) ##need to make two interpolation functions for lambdad ## b/c it's strongly discontinuous at z=p mask = (Z<P) pointmask = points[:,1] < points[:,0] w1 = np.where(mask) w2 = np.where(~mask) wp1 = np.where(pointmask) wp2 = np.where(~pointmask) self.lambdad1 = interpnd(points[wp1],lambdads.T[w1].ravel()) self.lambdad2 = interpnd(points[wp2],lambdads.T[w2].ravel()) def lambdad(p,z): #where p and z are exactly equal, this will return nan.... p = np.atleast_1d(p) z = np.atleast_1d(z) l1 = self.lambdad1(p,z) l2 = self.lambdad2(p,z) bad1 = np.isnan(l1) l1[np.where(bad1)]=0 l2[np.where(~bad1)]=0 return l1*~bad1 + l2*bad1 self.lambdad = lambdad #self.lambdad = interpnd(points,lambdads.T.ravel()) self.etad = interpnd(points,etads.T.ravel()) self.fn = interpnd(points,fs.T.ravel()) def __call__(self,ps,zs,u1=.394,u2=0.261,force_broadcast=False): """ returns array of fluxes; if ps and zs aren't the same shape, then returns array of shape (nps, nzs) """ #return self.fn(ps,zs) if np.size(ps)>1 and (np.size(ps)!=np.size(zs) or force_broadcast): P = ps[:,None] if np.size(u1)>1 or np.size(u2)>1: if u1.shape != ps.shape or u2.shape != ps.shape: raise ValueError('limb darkening coefficients must be same size as ps') U1 = u1[:,None] U2 = u2[:,None] else: U1 = u1 U2 = u2 else: P = ps U1 = u1 U2 = u2 if np.size(u1)>1 or np.any(u1 != self.u1) or np.any(u2 != self.u2): mu0 = self.mu0(P,zs) lambdad = self.lambdad(P,zs) etad = self.etad(P,zs) fs = 1. - ((1-U1-2*U2)*(1-mu0) + (U1+2*U2)*(lambdad+2./3*(P > zs)) + U2*etad)/(1.-U1/3.-U2/6.) #if fix: # fs = correct_fs(fs) else: fs = self.fn(P,zs) return fs
[docs]def impact_parameter(a, R, inc, ecc=0, w=0, return_occ=False): """a in AU, R in Rsun, inc & w in radians """ b_tra = a*AU*np.cos(inc)/(R*RSUN) * (1-ecc**2)/(1 + ecc*np.sin(w)) if return_occ: b_tra = a*AU*np.cos(inc)/(R*RSUN) * (1-ecc**2)/(1 - ecc*np.sin(w)) return b_tra, b_occ else: return b_tra
[docs]def transit_T14(P,Rp,Rs=1,b=0,Ms=1,ecc=0,w=0): """P in days, Rp in Earth radii, Rs in Solar radii, b=impact parameter, Ms Solar masses. Returns T14 in hours. w in deg. """ a = semimajor(P,Ms)*AU k = Rp*REARTH/(Rs*RSUN) inc = np.pi/2 - b*RSUN/a return P*DAY/np.pi*np.arcsin(Rs*RSUN/a * np.sqrt((1+k)**2 - b**2)/np.sin(inc)) *\ np.sqrt(1-ecc**2)/(1+ecc*np.sin(w*np.pi/180)) / 3600.
def transit_T23(P,Rp,Rs=1,b=0,Ms=1,ecc=0,w=0): a = semimajor(P,Ms)*AU k = Rp*REARTH/(Rs*RSUN) inc = np.pi/2 - b*RSUN/a return P*DAY/np.pi*np.arcsin(Rs*RSUN/a * np.sqrt((1-k)**2 - b**2)/np.sin(inc)) *\ np.sqrt(1-ecc**2)/(1+ecc*np.sin(w*pi/180)) / 3600.#*24*60 def eclipse_depth(mafn,Rp,Rs,b,u1=0.394,u2=0.261,max_only=False,npts=100,force_1d=False): """ Calculates average (or max) eclipse depth ***why does b>1 take so freaking long?... """ k = Rp*REARTH/(Rs*RSUN) if max_only: return 1 - mafn(k,b,u1,u2) if np.size(b) == 1: x = np.linspace(0,np.sqrt(1-b**2),npts) y = b zs = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2) fs = mafn(k,zs,u1,u2) # returns array of shape (nks,nzs) depth = 1-fs else: xmax = np.sqrt(1-b**2) x = np.linspace(0,1,npts)*xmax[:,Nones] y = b[:,None] zs = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2) fs = mafn(k,zs.ravel(),u1,u2) if not force_1d: fs = fs.reshape(size(k),*zs.shape) depth = 1-fs meandepth = np.squeeze(depth.mean(axis=depth.ndim-1)) return meandepth #array of average depths, shape (nks,nbs)
[docs]def minimum_inclination(P,M1,M2,R1,R2): """ Returns the minimum inclination at which two bodies from two given sets eclipse Only counts systems not within each other's Roche radius :param P: Orbital periods. :param M1,M2,R1,R2: Masses and radii of primary and secondary stars. """ P,M1,M2,R1,R2 = (np.atleast_1d(P), np.atleast_1d(M1), np.atleast_1d(M2), np.atleast_1d(R1), np.atleast_1d(R2)) semimajors = semimajor(P,M1+M2) rads = ((R1+R2)*RSUN/(semimajors*AU)) ok = (~np.isnan(rads) & ~withinroche(semimajors,M1,R1,M2,R2)) if ok.sum() == 0: logging.error('P: {}'.format(P)) logging.error('M1: {}'.format(M1)) logging.error('M2: {}'.format(M2)) logging.error('R1: {}'.format(R1)) logging.error('R2: {}'.format(R2)) if np.all(withinroche(semimajors,M1,R1,M2,R2)): raise AllWithinRocheError('All simulated systems within Roche lobe') else: raise EmptyPopulationError('no valid systems! (see above)') mininc = np.arccos(rads[ok].max())*180/np.pi return mininc
[docs]def a_over_Rs(P,R2,M2,M1=1,R1=1,planet=True): """ Returns a/Rs for given parameters. """ if planet: M2 *= REARTH/RSUN R2 *= MEARTH/MSUN return semimajor(P,M1+M2)*AU/(R1*RSUN)
def eclipse(p0,b,aR,P=1,ecc=0,w=0,npts=100,u1=0.394,u2=0.261,width=3, conv=True,cadence=1626./86400,frac=1,sec=False,tol=1e-4): dur = transit_duration(p0, P, b, aR, ecc, w*np.pi/180, sec) if np.isnan(dur): raise NoEclipseError if dur < 2*cadence: dur = 2*cadence if sec: M0 = minimize(angle_from_occultation, -np.pi/2 - w*np.pi/180, args=(ecc, w*np.pi/180), method='Nelder-Mead', tol=tol).x[0] else: M0 = minimize(angle_from_transit, np.pi/2 - w*np.pi/180, args=(ecc, w*np.pi/180), method='Nelder-Mead', tol=tol).x[0] Mlo = M0 - (dur/P)*2*np.pi * width/2. Mhi = M0 + (dur/P)*2*np.pi * width/2. logging.debug('M0={}; Mlo={}; Mhi={} (dur={})'.format(M0,Mlo,Mhi,dur)) Ms = np.linspace(Mlo, Mhi, npts) ts = (Ms - M0) / (2*np.pi) * P zs = zs_of_Ms(Ms, b, aR, ecc, w*np.pi/180, sec) #logging.debug('zs={}'.format(zs)) if sec: zs *= 1./p0 fs = _quadratic_ld._quadratic_ld(zs, 1./p0, u1, u2, 1) else: fs = _quadratic_ld._quadratic_ld(zs, p0, u1, u2, 1) if conv: dt = ts[1]-ts[0] npts = int(np.round(cadence/dt)) if npts % 2 == 0: npts += 1 boxcar = np.ones(npts)/npts fs = convolve1d(fs,boxcar) fs = 1 - frac*(1-fs) return ts,fs
[docs]def eclipse_pars(P,M1,M2,R1,R2,ecc=0,inc=90,w=0,sec=False): """retuns p,b,aR from P,M1,M2,R1,R2,ecc,inc,w""" a = semimajor(P,M1+M2) if sec: b = a*AU*np.cos(inc*np.pi/180)/(R1*RSUN) * (1-ecc**2)/(1 - ecc*np.sin(w*np.pi/180)) #aR = a*AU/(R2*RSUN) #I feel like this was to correct a bug, but this should not be. #p0 = R1/R2 #why this also? else: b = a*AU*np.cos(inc*np.pi/180)/(R1*RSUN) * (1-ecc**2)/(1 + ecc*np.sin(w*np.pi/180)) #aR = a*AU/(R1*RSUN) #p0 = R2/R1 p0 = R2/R1 aR = a*AU/(R1*RSUN) return p0,b,aR
def eclipse_new(p0,b,aR,P=1,ecc=0,w=0,npts=200,MAfn=None,u1=0.394,u2=0.261,width=3,conv=False,cadence=1626./86400,frac=1,sec=False,dt=2,approx=False,new=True): """ """ # Given both a/R* and P. # Assume R* = Rsun a = aR * RSUN M = a**3 / G * (4*np.pi**2)/(P*DAY)**2 / MSUN if sec: central = Central(mu1=u1, mu2=u2, mass=M, radius=p0) s = System(central) body = Body(r=1, a=aR, b=b, e=ecc, omega=np.mod(w+math.pi, 2*math.pi)) s.add_body(body) incl = body.incl si = math.sin(math.radians(incl)) arg = 1./aR * math.sqrt((1+1/p0) ** 2 - b**2) / si dur = math.asin(arg) * P * math.pi #* else: central = Central(mu1=u1, mu2=u2, mass=M) s = System(central) body = Body(r=p0, a=aR, b=b, e=ecc, omega=w) s.add_body(body) dur = body.duration ts = np.linspace(-1.5*dur, 1.5*dur, npts) fs = s.light_curve(ts, texp=cadence) return ts, fs
[docs]def eclipse_tt(p0,b,aR,P=1,ecc=0,w=0,npts=100,u1=0.394,u2=0.261,conv=True, cadence=1626./86400,frac=1,sec=False,pars0=None,tol=1e-4,width=3): """ Trapezoidal parameters for simulated orbit. All arguments passed to :func:`eclipse` except the following: :param pars0: (optional) Initial guess for least-sq optimization for trapezoid parameters. :return dur,dep,slope: Best-fit duration, depth, and T/tau for eclipse shape. """ ts,fs = eclipse(p0=p0,b=b,aR=aR,P=P,ecc=ecc,w=w,npts=npts,u1=u1,u2=u2, conv=conv,cadence=cadence,frac=frac,sec=sec,tol=tol,width=width) #logging.debug('{}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}'.format(p0,b,aR,P,ecc,w,xmax,npts,u1,u2,leastsq,conv,cadence,frac,sec,new)) #logging.debug('ts: {} fs: {}'.format(ts,fs)) if pars0 is None: depth = 1 - fs.min() duration = (fs < (1-0.01*depth)).sum()/float(len(fs)) * (ts[-1] - ts[0]) tc0 = ts[fs.argmin()] pars0 = np.array([duration,depth,5.,tc0]) dur,dep,slope,epoch = fit_traptransit(ts,fs,pars0) return dur,dep,slope
[docs]def occultquad(z,u1,u2,p0,return_components=False): """ #### Mandel-Agol code: # Python translation of IDL code. # This routine computes the lightcurve for occultation of a # quadratically limb-darkened source without microlensing. Please # cite Mandel & Agol (2002) and Eastman & Agol (2008) if you make use # of this routine in your research. Please report errors or bugs to # .. note:: Should probably wrap the Fortran code at some point. (This particular part of the code was put together awhile ago.) """ z = np.atleast_1d(z) nz = np.size(z) lambdad = np.zeros(nz) etad = np.zeros(nz) lambdae = np.zeros(nz) omega=1.-u1/3.-u2/6. ## tolerance for double precision equalities ## special case integrations tol = 1e-14 p = np.absolute(p0) z = np.where(np.absolute(p-z) < tol,p,z) z = np.where(np.absolute((p-1)-z) < tol,p-1.,z) z = np.where(np.absolute((1-p)-z) < tol,1.-p,z) z = np.where(z < tol,0.,z) x1=(p-z)**2. x2=(p+z)**2. x3=p**2.-z**2. def finish(p,z,u1,u2,lambdae,lambdad,etad): omega = 1. - u1/3. - u2/6. #avoid Lutz-Kelker bias if p0 > 0: #limb darkened flux muo1 = 1 - ((1-u1-2*u2)*lambdae+(u1+2*u2)*(lambdad+2./3*(p > z)) + u2*etad)/omega #uniform disk mu0 = 1 - lambdae else: #limb darkened flux muo1 = 1 + ((1-u1-2*u2)*lambdae+(u1+2*u2)*(lambdad+2./3*(p > z)) + u2*etad)/omega #uniform disk mu0 = 1 + lambdae if return_components: return muo1,(mu0,lambdad,etad) else: return muo1 ## trivial case of no planet if p <= 0.: return finish(p,z,u1,u2,lambdae,lambdad,etad) ## Case 1 - the star is unocculted: ## only consider points with z lt 1+p notusedyet = np.where( z < (1. + p) )[0] if np.size(notusedyet) == 0: return finish(p,z,u1,u2,lambdae,lambdad,etad) # Case 11 - the source is completely occulted: if p >= 1.: cond = z[notusedyet] <= p-1. occulted = np.where(cond)#,complement=notused2) notused2 = np.where(~cond) #occulted = where(z[notusedyet] <= p-1.)#,complement=notused2) if np.size(occulted) != 0: ndxuse = notusedyet[occulted] etad[ndxuse] = 0.5 # corrected typo in paper lambdae[ndxuse] = 1. # lambdad = 0 already #notused2 = where(z[notusedyet] > p-1) if np.size(notused2) == 0: return finish(p,z,u1,u2,lambdae,lambdad,etad) notusedyet = notusedyet[notused2] # Case 2, 7, 8 - ingress/egress (uniform disk only) inegressuni = np.where((z[notusedyet] >= np.absolute(1.-p)) & (z[notusedyet] < 1.+p)) if np.size(inegressuni) != 0: ndxuse = notusedyet[inegressuni] tmp = (1.-p**2.+z[ndxuse]**2.)/2./z[ndxuse] tmp = np.where(tmp > 1.,1.,tmp) tmp = np.where(tmp < -1.,-1.,tmp) kap1 = np.arccos(tmp) tmp = (p**2.+z[ndxuse]**2-1.)/2./p/z[ndxuse] tmp = np.where(tmp > 1.,1.,tmp) tmp = np.where(tmp < -1.,-1.,tmp) kap0 = np.arccos(tmp) tmp = 4.*z[ndxuse]**2-(1.+z[ndxuse]**2-p**2)**2 tmp = np.where(tmp < 0,0,tmp) lambdae[ndxuse] = (p**2*kap0+kap1 - 0.5*np.sqrt(tmp))/np.pi # eta_1 etad[ndxuse] = 1./2./np.pi*(kap1+p**2*(p**2+2.*z[ndxuse]**2)*kap0- \ (1.+5.*p**2+z[ndxuse]**2)/4.*np.sqrt((1.-x1[ndxuse])*(x2[ndxuse]-1.))) # Case 5, 6, 7 - the edge of planet lies at origin of star cond = z[notusedyet] == p ocltor = np.where(cond)#, complement=notused3) notused3 = np.where(~cond) #ocltor = where(z[notusedyet] == p)#, complement=notused3) t = np.where(z[notusedyet] == p) if np.size(ocltor) != 0: ndxuse = notusedyet[ocltor] if p < 0.5: # Case 5 q=2.*p # corrected typo in paper (2k -> 2p) Ek,Kk = ellke(q) # lambda_4 lambdad[ndxuse] = 1./3.+2./9./np.pi*(4.*(2.*p**2-1.)*Ek+\ (1.-4.*p**2)*Kk) # eta_2 etad[ndxuse] = p**2/2.*(p**2+2.*z[ndxuse]**2) lambdae[ndxuse] = p**2 # uniform disk elif p > 0.5: # Case 7 q=0.5/p # corrected typo in paper (1/2k -> 1/2p) Ek,Kk = ellke(q) # lambda_3 lambdad[ndxuse] = 1./3.+16.*p/9./np.pi*(2.*p**2-1.)*Ek-\ (32.*p**4-20.*p**2+3.)/9./np.pi/p*Kk # etad = eta_1 already else: # Case 6 lambdad[ndxuse] = 1./3.-4./np.pi/9. etad[ndxuse] = 3./32. #notused3 = where(z[notusedyet] != p) if np.size(notused3) == 0: return finish(p,z,u1,u2,lambdae,lambdad,etad) notusedyet = notusedyet[notused3] # Case 2, Case 8 - ingress/egress (with limb darkening) cond = ((z[notusedyet] > 0.5+np.absolute(p-0.5)) & \ (z[notusedyet] < 1.+p)) | \ ( (p > 0.5) & (z[notusedyet] > np.absolute(1.-p)) & \ (z[notusedyet] < p)) inegress = np.where(cond) notused4 = np.where(~cond) #inegress = where( ((z[notusedyet] > 0.5+abs(p-0.5)) & \ #(z[notusedyet] < 1.+p)) | \ #( (p > 0.5) & (z[notusedyet] > abs(1.-p)) & \ #(z[notusedyet] < p)) )#, complement=notused4) if np.size(inegress) != 0: ndxuse = notusedyet[inegress] q=np.sqrt((1.-x1[ndxuse])/(x2[ndxuse]-x1[ndxuse])) Ek,Kk = ellke(q) n=1./x1[ndxuse]-1. # lambda_1: lambdad[ndxuse]=2./9./np.pi/np.sqrt(x2[ndxuse]-x1[ndxuse])*\ (((1.-x2[ndxuse])*(2.*x2[ndxuse]+x1[ndxuse]-3.)-\ 3.*x3[ndxuse]*(x2[ndxuse]-2.))*Kk+(x2[ndxuse]-\ x1[ndxuse])*(z[ndxuse]**2+7.*p**2-4.)*Ek-\ 3.*x3[ndxuse]/x1[ndxuse]*ellpic_bulirsch(n,q)) #notused4 = where( ( (z[notusedyet] <= 0.5+abs(p-0.5)) | \ # (z[notusedyet] >= 1.+p) ) & ( (p <= 0.5) | \ # (z[notusedyet] <= abs(1.-p)) | \ # (z[notusedyet] >= p) )) if np.size(notused4) == 0: return finish(p,z,u1,u2,lambdae,lambdad,etad) notusedyet = notusedyet[notused4] # Case 3, 4, 9, 10 - planet completely inside star if p < 1.: cond = z[notusedyet] <= (1.-p) inside = np.where(cond) notused5 = np.where(~cond) #inside = where(z[notusedyet] <= (1.-p))#, complement=notused5) if np.size(inside) != 0: ndxuse = notusedyet[inside] ## eta_2 etad[ndxuse] = p**2/2.*(p**2+2.*z[ndxuse]**2) ## uniform disk lambdae[ndxuse] = p**2 ## Case 4 - edge of planet hits edge of star edge = np.where(z[ndxuse] == 1.-p)#, complement=notused6) if np.size(edge[0]) != 0: ## lambda_5 lambdad[ndxuse[edge]] = 2./3./np.pi*np.arccos(1.-2.*p)-\ 4./9./np.pi*np.sqrt(p*(1.-p))*(3.+2.*p-8.*p**2) if p > 0.5: lambdad[ndxuse[edge]] -= 2./3. notused6 = np.where(z[ndxuse] != 1.-p) if np.size(notused6) == 0: return finish(p,z,u1,u2,lambdae,lambdad,etad) ndxuse = ndxuse[notused6[0]] ## Case 10 - origin of planet hits origin of star origin = np.where(z[ndxuse] == 0)#, complement=notused7) if np.size(origin) != 0: ## lambda_6 lambdad[ndxuse[origin]] = -2./3.*(1.-p**2)**1.5 notused7 = np.where(z[ndxuse] != 0) if np.size(notused7) == 0: return finish(p,z,u1,u2,lambdae,lambdad,etad) ndxuse = ndxuse[notused7[0]] q=np.sqrt((x2[ndxuse]-x1[ndxuse])/(1.-x1[ndxuse])) n=x2[ndxuse]/x1[ndxuse]-1. Ek,Kk = ellke(q) ## Case 3, Case 9 - anywhere in between ## lambda_2 lambdad[ndxuse] = 2./9./np.pi/np.sqrt(1.-x1[ndxuse])*\ ((1.-5.*z[ndxuse]**2+p**2+x3[ndxuse]**2)*Kk+\ (1.-x1[ndxuse])*(z[ndxuse]**2+7.*p**2-4.)*Ek-\ 3.*x3[ndxuse]/x1[ndxuse]*ellpic_bulirsch(n,q)) ## if there are still unused elements, there's a bug in the code ## (please report it) #notused5 = where(z[notusedyet] > (1.-p)) if notused5[0] != 0: logging.error("The following values of z didn't fit into a case:") return finish(p,z,u1,u2,lambdae,lambdad,etad)
# Computes Hasting's polynomial approximation for the complete # elliptic integral of the first (ek) and second (kk) kind def ellke(k): m1=1.-k**2 logm1 = np.log(m1) a1=0.44325141463 a2=0.06260601220 a3=0.04757383546 a4=0.01736506451 b1=0.24998368310 b2=0.09200180037 b3=0.04069697526 b4=0.00526449639 ee1=1.+m1*(a1+m1*(a2+m1*(a3+m1*a4))) ee2=m1*(b1+m1*(b2+m1*(b3+m1*b4)))*(-logm1) ek = ee1+ee2 a0=1.38629436112 a1=0.09666344259 a2=0.03590092383 a3=0.03742563713 a4=0.01451196212 b0=0.5 b1=0.12498593597 b2=0.06880248576 b3=0.03328355346 b4=0.00441787012 ek1=a0+m1*(a1+m1*(a2+m1*(a3+m1*a4))) ek2=(b0+m1*(b1+m1*(b2+m1*(b3+m1*b4))))*logm1 kk = ek1-ek2 return [ek,kk] # Computes the complete elliptical integral of the third kind using # the algorithm of Bulirsch (1965): def ellpic_bulirsch(n,k): kc=np.sqrt(1.-k**2); p=n+1. if(p.min() < 0.): logging.warning('Negative p') m0=1.; c=1.; p=np.sqrt(p); d=1./p; e=kc while 1: f = c; c = d/p+c; g = e/p; d = 2.*(f*g+d) p = g + p; g = m0; m0 = kc + m0 if (np.absolute(1.-kc/g)).max() > 1.e-8: kc = 2*np.sqrt(e); e=kc*m0 else: return 0.5*np.pi*(c*m0+d)/(m0*(m0+p)) def fit_traptransit(ts,fs,p0): """ Fits trapezoid model to provided ts,fs """ pfit,success = leastsq(traptransit_resid,p0,args=(ts,fs)) if success not in [1,2,3,4]: raise NoFitError #logging.debug('success = {}'.format(success)) return pfit @jit(nopython=True) def traptransit(ts, pars): npts = len(ts) fs = np.empty(npts, dtype=np.float64) if pars[2] < 2 or pars[0] <= 0: for i in range(npts): fs[i] = np.inf else: p0_2 = pars[0]/2. t1 = pars[3] - p0_2 t2 = pars[3] - p0_2 + pars[0]/pars[2] t3 = pars[3] + p0_2 - pars[0]/pars[2] t4 = pars[3] + p0_2 for i in range(npts): if (ts[i] > t1) and (ts[i] < t2): fs[i] = 1-pars[1]*pars[2]/pars[0]*(ts[i] - t1) elif (ts[i] > t2) and (ts[i] < t3): fs[i] = 1-pars[1] elif (ts[i] > t3) and (ts[i] < t4): fs[i] = 1-pars[1] + pars[1]*pars[2]/pars[0]*(ts[i]-t3) else: fs[i] = 1 return fs @jit(nopython=True) def traptransit_resid(pars, ts, fs): resid = np.empty(len(fs), dtype=np.float64) fmod = traptransit(ts, pars) for i in range(len(resid)): resid[i] = fmod[i] - fs[i] return resid
[docs]class TraptransitModel(object): """ Model to enable MCMC fitting of trapezoidal shape. """ def __init__(self,ts,fs,sigs=1e-4,maxslope=MAXSLOPE): self.n = np.size(ts) if np.size(sigs)==1: sigs = np.ones(self.n)*sigs self.ts = ts self.fs = fs self.sigs = sigs self.maxslope = maxslope def __call__(self,pars): pars = np.array(pars) return traptransit_lhood(pars,self.ts,self.fs,self.sigs,maxslope=self.maxslope)
@jit(nopython=True) def traptransit_lhood(pars, ts, fs, sigs, maxslope=MAXSLOPE): """ Params: depth, duration, slope, t0 """ if pars[0] < 0 or pars[1] < 0 or pars[2] < 2 or pars[2] > maxslope: return -np.inf fmod = traptransit(ts, pars) tot = 0 for i in range(len(ts)): tot += -0.5*(fmod[i] - fs[i])*(fmod[i] - fs[i]) / (sigs[i]*sigs[i]) #tot += np.log(1./pars[2]) #logflat prior on slope return tot def traptransit_lhood_old(pars,ts,fs,sigs,maxslope=MAXSLOPE): if pars[0] < 0 or pars[1] < 0 or pars[2] < 2 or pars[2] > maxslope: return -np.inf resid = traptransit_resid(pars,ts,fs) return (-0.5*resid**2/sigs**2).sum()
[docs]def traptransit_MCMC(ts,fs,dfs=1e-5,nwalkers=200,nburn=300,niter=1000, threads=1,p0=[0.1,0.1,3,0],return_sampler=False, maxslope=MAXSLOPE): """ Fit trapezoidal model to provided ts, fs, [dfs] using MCMC. Standard emcee usage. """ model = TraptransitModel(ts,fs,dfs,maxslope=maxslope) sampler = emcee.EnsembleSampler(nwalkers,4,model,threads=threads) T0 = p0[0]*(1+rand.normal(size=nwalkers)*0.1) d0 = p0[1]*(1+rand.normal(size=nwalkers)*0.1) slope0 = p0[2]*(1+rand.normal(size=nwalkers)*0.1) ep0 = p0[3]+rand.normal(size=nwalkers)*0.0001 p0 = np.array([T0,d0,slope0,ep0]).T pos, prob, state = sampler.run_mcmc(p0, nburn) sampler.reset() sampler.run_mcmc(pos, niter, rstate0=state) if return_sampler: return sampler else: return sampler.flatchain[:,0],sampler.flatchain[:,1],sampler.flatchain[:,2],sampler.flatchain[:,3]
##### Custom Exceptions class NoEclipseError(Exception): pass class NoFitError(Exception): pass class EmptyPopulationError(Exception): pass class NotImplementedError(Exception): pass class AllWithinRocheError(Exception): pass